Christmas is upon us, and with it comes the usual rounds of drinks dos, parties, and celebratory events. Even the most seasoned party-goers amongst us can find the social calendar hard-going at this time of year. And for those who suffer from anxiety or social phobias, the festive season can feel like a gauntlet to be run. Low mood from Seasonal Affective Disorder only serves to make matters tougher.
A lot of people opt to shun busy social occasions because of the stress and tension they can cause. But as the end of the year beckons, unavoidable family get-togethers and obligatory office parties must be contended with.
Luckily, a therapeutic dose of anxiety-fighting CBD is ideally suited to festive occasions. You can even discreetly take some CBD gummies out with you, for an extra boost later on in the night. The lower stress levels and decrease in tension it provides are just what’s needed for a big anxiety-inducing social event. And the improved awareness and focus it delivers can help you make the most of the festivities without becoming overwhelmed.
Endocannabinoid System Activation For Anxiolytic Effects
We’ve all been there: sweaty palms, heart racing, struggling to find our words. Anxiety is an unpleasant experience at the best of times, and at worst it’s completely debilitating. Adrenaline and cortisol flood the bloodstream, fight-or-flight kicks in, and so comes the overwhelming urge to get out of there. Wherever there might be!
The potential of this reaction being triggered in a social situation can make parties feel not fun, but a nightmare. Rather than rely on the numbing and disinhibiting effects of alcohol though, CBD might be just the thing to help.
Cannabidiol (CBD)’s ability to influence and modulate the body’s response to stress has long been clinically established. Double-blind trials in 2011 showed Generalized Social Anxiety Disorder patients given CBD experienced significantly reduced anxiety, cognitive impairment, and discomfort. While a placebo group exhibited sharp surges in each of these when tasked with public speaking, the group treated with CBD’s results were near-comparable to a control group undertaking no stressful task at all.
The exact mechanism by which CBD brings about these effects is still not entirely understood. It may in fact cause these anxiolytic results in a few different ways simultaneously. In 2009, MRI scans showed CBD to disrupt neural signalling in brain regions activated when participants were shown fear-inducing images.
The molecule is also known to interact with receptors which regulate anxiety and fear in the central and peripheral nervous systems. These include the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor, activation of which is thought to trigger CBD’s potent anxiolytic effects at low-to-moderate doses.
CBD’s ability to enhance levels of the bliss molecule anandamide in the brain could also contribute to its impressive anti-anxiety results. It does this indirectly, by inhibiting the production of enzymes that work to break down anandamide. Elevated amounts of this feel-good endogenous cannabinoid can thereby remain in your system longer, alongside the soothing contentment it brings.
CBD to Suit You
However CBD brings about its anxiety-beating effects, one thing is clear, it gets results. There are so many CBD products available now, you can choose one to perfectly fit in with your lifestyle- and Christmas party schedule. You could even try making your own CBD cocktails or mocktails (link to cocktails blog to be added when posted), to enjoy at the event!
To reap all the benefits that CBD can offer, you do need to make sure you know what you’re getting. Buying from a reputable brand with FSA approval like Goodrays will ensure you receive high-quality CBD with no unpleasant extras. Try starting with a 25-30mg dose before an event, and increasing it if needed.
For everything from low-level nerves to clinically diagnosed social anxiety disorders, CBD has been shown to bring about relief. Why not find out for yourself how CBD can help make your Christmas celebrations your most joyous and stress-free yet?