Did you know that around 36% of United States adults use alternative or holistic medicine? If you’re one of the 36% or are considering using holistic medicine to treat your illness you should think again.
Holistic medicine may actually make your illness worse and cause more issues than going to a traditional doctor would. To learn more about holistic medicine and to learn the truth about this practice keep reading below.
What Is Holistic Medicine?
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that takes into account the patient as a whole. This includes looking at the mind, body, spirit, and emotions. The goal of holistic medicine is to achieve optimal wellness and health.
Holistic medicine may seem too good to be true and that’s because it is. Usually, those who seek out alternative therapies instead of getting the right medical treatment have higher death rates. Below we have listed the truthful facts about holistic medicine so you can be aware of the dangers.
1. Cancer Can Grow Faster When Treated by Holistic Means
If you’re seeking out a holistic medicine practitioner to help treat your cancer you may want to think again. Delaying any important procedures recommended by your healthcare practitioner may make your cancer spread faster and even lead to death.
Putting off any treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, and even some medications prescribed can hurt you in the long run. Treating your cancer with holistic methods may cover up the pain but it won’t get rid of your cancer.
2. Some Holistic Medicine Treatments Can Lead to Death
If you’re seeing a holistic practitioner to treat ailments and sicknesses you may not be treating the actual root of the cause. Instead, you may be covering up what’s wrong instead of identifying it and treating it the right way.
If you haven’t seen a medical practitioner in a while and have only been seeing a holistic one with no relief it may be time to call up the doctor. If you don’t find out what’s really wrong and begin treating it the correct way you may suffer from an early death.
3. Your Cancer Risks Can Become Increased
When you see a holistic practitioner you are seeing someone who doesn’t have the ability to prescribe medicines you can pick up at a pharmacy. Usually, holistic practitioners will prescribe things such as vitamins and herbs to help treat your ailments.
This may seem like a healthy way to treat your health problems but it may be more harmful to your body than it would to treat yourself with prescribe medicines. The truth is that certain vitamins and minerals can actually increase your risk of cancer or even make you prone to contracting illnesses.
Your chance for illness and cancer will increase if you take these vitamins and minerals on a daily basis, or take too much. The reason for this is because some vitamin and mineral companies don’t follow FDA regulations.
This could mean that your supplements aren’t properly labeled and you’re not taking what you think you are. It could also mean that the supplements are not handled properly and could easily be contaminated.
4. Holistic Medicine Isn’t Proven to Cure Hard to Treat Illnesses or Diseases
If you see a holistic practitioner state they can heal hard to treat illnesses such as cancer or AIDS then you should take this as a red flag. Holistic Medicine can’t cure diseases that have yet to have a cure in the medical world.
It’s also important to note that the claims of holistic medicine curing these diseases have yet to be proven. If you see this red flag it may be time to look to the other health options you have. Even though holistic medicine is popular, there are many other practices changing healthcare today.
5. There Are Few Holistic Medicine Treatments That Come Without Side Effects
One way holistic practitioners will try to get you to step foot inside their practice is by telling you that their treatments come with no side effects. This is another thing that sounds too good to be true because it most likely is.
You should be aware that anything you take may have side effects on your system, this is even true for herbs and vitamins. If the practitioner is stating that their treatment has no side effects then their treatment most likely hasn’t been studied in clinical trials.
6. Magical Sayings Are Used to Get You Through the Door and Aren’t True
When using a holistic practitioner they may throw around magical terms. These magical worlds are sayings such as “medical cure,” “scientific breakthrough, “ancient remedy,” or even “secret ingredient.”
If you hear the holistic practitioner using these terms are even publishing them in local magazines or posting them around their office you should take this as another red flag. They will try to back up these claims with personal stories that hold no scientific evidence.
Now You Know the Truths About Holistic Medicine
We have provided you with the top truths about holistic medicine so you can be fully aware before considering this treatment option. From informing you that treatments usually will have side effects to let you know that holistic treatments can actually make your condition worse, you are now educated and can make the best decision for you and your illness. For more health tips and information be sure to check out the rest of our website.