CBD is the new trend on the market that boasts natural healing properties without the side effects of getting high. No wonder, so many people are turning to CBD products to help them relieve long-standing symptoms of such serious ailments like arthritis, cancer, PTSD, and even anxiety and depression.
While the THC in marijuana can be a viable way to alleviate symptoms stemming from anxiety and depression without the risk of traditional addictive dangers, THC can also magnify and heighten feelings of anxiety, and can even be a way to distract your mind from serious depression. Enter CBD, which has no THC included in it. It can grow from the same plant.
CBD has become so popular because it’s a natural, holistic way of approaching healing. Also, because of the increasingly widespread legalization and decriminalization of marijuana, CBD has also been legalized and decriminalized alongside it. Depending on if the CBD being used has come from marijuana or hemp plant, CBD can be sold perfectly legally in stores around the country.
This doesn’t mean that CBD is a cure-all for your ailments, but it’s now less taboo in the market and is being researched thoroughly to identify how safe CBD is in the treatment of serious medical conditions. So far, testing has illuminated several of CBD’s positive effects on mental health.
That said, if you’re hesitant about the effects of anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications, you might be a candidate for the use of CBD. However, the use of CBD in the treatment of anxiety and depression should be something that you discuss with a mental health professional. If you’re looking for a way to alleviate some of the worst aspects of anxiety and depression, CBD products might be worth looking into as a suitable treatment.
What Studies Indicate
One reason that CBD seems like a feasible treatment for anxiety and depression is that so far, research has been positive in its favor. Though there’s much more research to be done, CBD is making its way very quickly to the mainstream because of the positivity associated with it, as well as the mainstream move towards homeopathic healing.
Studies show that CBD allows for a surge in serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is responsible for all the warm, fuzzy feelings we experience. They are the receptors most responsible for feelings of joy and happiness. It’s no wonder that the release of these receptors has a positive effect on those suffering from depression. Many other drugs allow for rushes of serotonin, but can produce adverse side effects after the drug’s effects have been depleted. They can even leave the user more depressed than they were before.
Anxiety can be debilitating for anyone who suffers with it, as it causes a flood of negative thoughts seemingly without prompting. Early studies have shown that those suffering from anxiety have shown a notable decrease in symptoms after prolonged exposure to CBD. It can also be useful for those who suffer from panic attacks.