No matter where you live in the United States, medicine can be hard to get. It’s not a matter of just heading down to the pharmacy, picking up the medicine, and continuing with your day. No, there’s a whole web of health insurance companies to manage, deductibles to understand, co-pays to pay, and the mess of brand name instead of generic medicines to figure out. At the end of it all, we often end up paying too much for medicines anyway, even after we put so much strength and effort into navigating the whole thing.
So, how is a person supposed to find the best way to get prescription drugs without tearing their hair out in the process? Good news! There are a few things that can be done. Let’s dive into some important things anyone in the United States should know before going to the pharmacy.
Using coupons will save you money every time.
You may already use coupons when you go to the supermarket or use a discount card when you shop online. If so, you should know that there are coupons for prescription drugs as well. Actually, many pharmacists will be familiar with drug coupons and won’t even blink when you slide a coupon across the counter.
Plus, you can use medicine coupons online to get less expensive prescription medications as well. You can use drug coupons regardless of your deductible and health insurance coverage. Whether you have Medicaid, Medicare, or private health insurance, it doesn’t matter. You still save on the out-of-pocket cost because you’re getting the best discount around.
Sometimes, the best version of your medicine is generic.
Sure, we’re all familiar with the brand name version of various medicines, like Advil or Tylenol, but that doesn’t mean that those brand names are the best version out there. Any pharmacist will tell you that generic ibuprofen is the same as Advil but less expensive. Next time you find yourself at the pharmacy, look for generic medications instead of brand-name drugs. This applies to prescription medications as well. You can ask your pharmacist or doctor about generic versions of brand-name drugs with the same content for less money. Asking questions is the best first step towards lowering your out-of-pocket cost on prescription medications.
Lifestyle changes can help you stay away from the pharmacy for longer.
One way to save on costs for prescription medicines is to make some lifestyle changes to keep you away from the pharmacy in the first place. Making a health plan that includes physical activity and good nutrition is a good first step if you want to become the best version of yourself. It doesn’t have to be a path full of obstacles and expensive gear, either. Simply by starting to eliminate negative thoughts and adding a little gratitude and physical activity to every day, you’ll be in a good place with your health plan.
Maybe you could start biking to work every day, instead of taking the bus or subway. Of course, there are safety tips to keep in mind before buying a new bike, but this is still a simple way to get in some extra cardio without trying to find time to hit the gym. Don’t opt for the lowest price on a new bike or a helmet, though. Especially if you’re a new rider, you need to make sure you’re safe. You wouldn’t want to find yourself at a crosswalk or any intersections with malfunctioning brakes.
Saving on expensive drug prices is a good thing you can do for yourself this year. Every day, you can save more on your copay, which means you have more money for learning new skills and having fun. Check out some of these options today, and use coupons to save at the pharmacy.