In the United States, around 950,000 people report using heroin every year. How will you know if your loved one is amongst the reported users?
Heroin is a terrifying drug, and you’ll want to get your loved one help as soon as you can. There are certain physical, mental, and behavioral signs that you can look out for so you can know how to tell if someone is using heroin.
Read on to become familiar with the signs of heroin abuse.
Do You Know How to Tell if Someone Is Using Heroin?
Are you familiar with the signs of heroin use? Would you be able to recognize if someone you love has an addiction?
There are physical, emotional, and behavioral signs that someone is using heroin.
Physical Signs
Physical signs of heroin use will vary from person to person, but there are common things you can look out for.
First, take a look at their skin. Heroin users often look pale and flushed, and they might have scabs and scratch marks.
Those who use needles as their method of consumption may also have track marks on their arms.
A heroin user’s eyes will be bloodshot and they will have very small, pinpoint pupils after using. Another typical sign you may see is rapid weight loss.
Heroin users also often have flu-like symptoms like a stuffy nose and shortness of breath.
Some other common signs are:
- Drowsiness
- Collapsed veins
- Incoherent speech
- An overall change in appearance
Emotional Signs
How someone handles heroin use will be different for each individual, but you can expect some of the same emotional signs in many heroin users.
They may be moody and irritable. They could be more easily agitated. Other times they could be almost euphoric.
You may notice your loved one having frequent memory loss and difficulty making clear decisions. They may have clouded thinking and seem disoriented.
There also may be signs of mental health issues like anxiety, depression, paranoia, and obsessive thoughts.
Behavioral Signs
Have you noticed changes in the behavior of a loved one? Do you suspect heroin to be behind it?
A common behavioral sign of heroin users is being secretive. They may feel paranoid or ashamed and are attempting to hide their use from others. They often become dishonest and impulsive.
They become absent from their normal duties for family or at work and school and neglect their responsibilities.
To be honest, their “normal” is just different. When they start using heroin they have different friends, wearing different clothes to hide track marks, and have a general loss of self.
They may not take care of their hygiene like they once did. They’ve become a different person.
What Should You Do If Someone You Love Is Using Heroin?
Talk to them. Tell them you are there for them, that you love them, and that you are going to support them as they get clean.
Suggest going into a program, like Alo House non 12 step rehab. You should prepare yourself for resistance. It is an addiction after all.
Seek Help
Now that you know how to tell if someone is using heroin, you can identify when someone needs help. These aren’t the signs of a first-timer, these are the signs of someone who is addicted to heroin.
If you recognize these signs and symptoms in a loved one, they should seek treatment.
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