For those that struggle with mobility, mobility aids can be life changing and help you to overcome limitations. Having the right mobility aids can help those with mobility issues to enjoy more freedom and independence, but it is important to note that there are times where you may need to get a new kind of mobility aid so read on to find out when these times are.
Needs Have Changed
The most obvious time for change is when your needs have changed. This might be a result of your health improving and getting worse, which means that the mobility aid that you were once using is now no longer the best option. Another time where your needs change might be as a result of lifestyle changes, such as if you get a pet or have a child. In these situations, a mobility scooter would not suffice and you may need to invest in a new mobility aid like a wheelchair accessible car.
Wear & Tear
Another common reason why people may need to invest in new mobility aids is wear and tear. Mobility aids can have excellent design and last many years, but wear and tear is inevitable when you are using the item every single day. If you notice that a mobility aid like a walking cane is starting to show signs of wear and tear, you should look to a replacement sooner rather than later as safety can be an issue and you need to have confidence in the items that you are using.
You can prevent wear and tear by performing maintenance on many mobility aids such as wheelchairs, but even with regular maintenance, they can still become worn over time and there is likely to be a time where it is best to simply buy a replacement (there may even be a better version that has become available since you last made a purchase).
No Longer Comfortable
Similarly, when a mobility aid no longer becomes comfortable to use then it might be time for a change. One of the most common examples of this is when cushions on a wheelchair or scooter become flat and uncomfortable due to heavy usage, so you will need to buy new cushions to increase comfort. The key is to pay close attention to how you feel when using a mobility aid and to take note when the device becomes harder to use and/or uncomfortable.
Mobility aids can make a huge difference to the lives of those that struggle with mobility, but it is common that they need to be replaced from time to time. The above are the main reasons why people need to replace their mobility aids and you should always replace before the item becomes unsafe to use.