There are many different problems that have risen amongst the use of NSAIDs in society over the past century and longer. These problems were not so clear to people until the innovation of the medical industry allowed for physicians to look deeper into the body and compare blood work of a healthy human to that of a person that has been redundantly taking these over the counter medications for the temporary redemption of pain. One problem that has become increasingly large is the issue of negative effects anti inflammatory pills, specifically NSAIDs, have had on the mitochondria.
Many of us have moments when we are straight up in pain, and this is problematic because many people have lifestyles that they sometimes just simply can’t attend to because of the pain that keeps staggering them on a daily basis. Anti inflammatory pills are desirable because most of the time, they do the job and then a person can continue about their day with less pain. However, the problem that has been persistent these days is that if the issue is not directly resolved and a person continues to take these over the counter pills, negative effects in the body can begin to show face. When it comes to the effects that it has on the mitochondria, the effects are nothing less than horrifying. The NSAIDs will attack the cells of the mitochondria then affect the cells to produce energy for the heart. When a cell can longer produce the needed energy for a heart, it will stop working, therefore causing death in individuals.
When it comes to anti inflammatory pills that have begun to show promise in this industry, the focus has been directed towards natural supplements. Natural supplements that have no negative body effects are what people are looking at these day’s to heal their bodies, without the worries of the effects they will have on the body down the road. Natural supplements can build up the body over time, and these supplements don’t come with hard chemicals within them. This is important because a person who doesn’t know anything about anti inflammatory pills may just take some over the counter medication without thinking of how they could be affected by it. People want short term solutions to problems so that the pain will go away. It is very desirable for a person to just reap the benefits of pain management without knowing what could follow.
Natural anti-inflammatory pills are making a break in today’s market for a plethora of reasons. Reasons include little to no harsh side effects, no withdrawals, and no irreparable damage to the body or specific organs in the body. It’s important for a person to research exactly what they are going to take before putting it into their body because one has to know the side effects that may occur before taking a supplement or pill. Many people do not do this before taking pills these days and pay for it in someway or another with harsh side effects or addictions to pills. Like spoken about earlier in this article, some pills that are over the counter can cause harsh effects on the mitochondria of the body causing it to not produce the correct amount of energy for the heart.
All in all it is important for a person to research what they are putting into their bodies before they actually put it into their bodies. Too many people are being affected by the negative effects of over-the-counter medication today and this is sad because there are many different alternatives that have not anything near the amount of side effects that others do.
By: Bryce Buyna