Are you curious about everything you need to know about applying for your National Provider Identifier (NPI)?
Are you a new medical provider? If so, do you have an NPI number yet?
What is an NPI number and why does it matter? You may not have given it much thought yet, but this number is essential for all medical professionals.
The National Provider Identifier (NPI) number is a unique identification number issued specifically to you by the government. It’s used predominantly for billing and insurance but it’s also an important ID number that each provider must possess.
If you don’t have your NPI number yet, the good news is that it’s easy to set up. Keep reading for our NPI 101 — everything you need to know about getting your NPI number, including why it’s so important.
Who Needs an NPI Number?
If you’re a licensed medical provider and you want to get paid, you need an NPI. That is to say, any doctor or healthcare professional working in the United States needs their own unique NPI number.
This number is used for Medicare claims, but also for all public and private insurance claims.
The NPI system is designed to streamline medical billing and insurance claims and it also was put in place to reduce fraud. If you don’t already have an NPI, register now.
How to Get an NPI Number
A National Provider Identifier number is easy to get, either via an online or postal application. Here’s an overview of how you can apply.
Apply Online
The quickest and easiest way to get an NPI number is by online application. This is done through a web portal run by the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES).
If you’re not already a member, you’ll need to set up a free account with a username and password before you can begin.
The online application process should take between 20-30 minutes. Before getting started, make sure you have all of the required documents. This will include your social security number and all of your state medical licensing information.
Post Your Application
A second option is to apply by post. You can mail in your application (referred to as Form CMS-101140), once it’s signed and completed.
Keep in mind that postal applications will take longer for approval, due to processing times and mail delays. If you’re in a hurry, the online application is your best choice.
If you have any questions about the application process, you can contact or 1-800-465-3203.
Set up Your NPI Number Today
As you can see, an NPI number is an essential piece of information for any practicing medical provider. If you’re not already registered, get set up today by applying for your NPI online or via mail.
Once you have an NPI, it will be easy for you to get paid, process insurance claims, and look after medical records for patients.
The application process is simple, so get started today.
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