Depression, as explained by health experts is a mood disorder that causes a continuous feeling of sadness and inducers of loss of interest. It can be devitalizing and differs from the usual unhappiness that most people usually experience. On most occasions, unhappiness is a resultant condition of various factors we encounter in our daily lives, such as being disappointed, accused or losing someone. However, depression on the other hand is prevalent. It is a recurring condition that makes you feel as if you tumbling into a deep and never ending hole of emotional trauma and turbulence.
Depression is common. In fact, depressive episodes are common among all age groups in our generation today ranging from the aged to the young people in our society. However, there are different levels of depression. Some people may experience mild depression while others may experience severe depression. That is why knowing your depression levels will help you learn how to manage it better and overcome it.
Dealing with Depression.
1.) Set realistic goals.
Everyone has set goals and where they want to be in life. We mostly suffer from depression, mostly because we set goals that are too big for us without taking measures to break them down and plan on how we are going to achieve them. Research has shown and actually proven that human beings have microwave mentality. People nowadays want to accomplish big things over a short period of time. This causes depression. Setting realistic goals will help avert and avoid depression because failing to achieve your target will simply cause burnout.
2.) Accept failure.
Upon setting our goals , not everything always goes as we planned. Hurdles and distractions may come upon our way and make us not achieve our dreams and ambitions. Most people break down completely upon failing to achieve our targets. However, recognizing that failure is not the end can help us accept ourselves better. We all cannot be perfect. Julia Cannon from Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique says that learning to accept that no one is perfect will help you love yourself and others, regardless of imperfections.
3.) Listen to music.
Music is food for the soul. Music has been proven to induce positive vibes and energy to most of us. This is because the right kind of music can elevate your mood depending on the occasion or event. The beauty about music is that there is a variety in the type of music genre you choose to listen to. These comprise of music that can make you calm, music that hypes you up, music that induces feelings of nostalgia and even music that connects people together just to mention but a few.
4.) Exercise and eat healthy.
The benefits of exercise cannot be underestimated especially when it comes to stress relief. Exercise releases endorphins that improve our mood besides boosting the body’s natural immunity. Moreover, it lowers blood pressure, boosts self esteem and prevents health related diseases. It is a good way to deal with depression. Stress eating is also a common way of relieving yourself when undergoing a depressive episode. Some foods actually induce happy feelings for most people, hence will definitely boost your mood. Eating healthy on the other hand will help you stay healthy. A healthy body is a motivated body.
5.) Sleep.
Getting regular sleep will help relax your body. Inadequate sleep can make you have stress and cause irritability. This is because sleep and mood are closely interrelated. Taking strict steps to improve your sleeping patterns and making sure you get adequate sleep will improve your overall mood and hence wellbeing.
Depression cannot be averted. At one point in our lives, we suffer from depressive episodes. However, managing depression is a combination of skills that have to be nurtured and mastered in a bid to ensure there is peace in our state of mind.
One thing to note however is that you should not give up. Most of us as already said earlier tend to break down upon not achieving our targets. We end up getting depressed as the feeling of failure keeps on recurring and weighing us down. It is okay to take some time off to cool down. However, do not forget to dust yourself, pick yourself up and continue your endeavor of what you are meant to be doing and achieving.