For the skateboarding enthusiasts, you know that skateboarding is a special craft; something more than a sport, but rather an art form, a lifestyle and a culture.
The good that we get from skateboarding in countless, but today, shall only touch one some of the health benefits
Overall Fitness
Skateboarding is more or less like distance running in that it’s an incredible option for burning calories as well as staying in great physical shape.
However, calculating the number of calories burned while skating is quite challenging because the energy expended may greatly vary depending on the skating location and energy used.
Even so, the bottom line is that skateboarding uses up far more calories than a majority of the physical activities, and depending on your size, and effort, you might bur anywhere from 150 to 500 calories per hour.
Physical Endurance
Skateboarding is one of the few exercises that wear out our bodies, and beats us up, but surprisingly, we still do it as we can.
What’s unique about skateboarding is that it’s an all-time activity, meaning you’re going to do it more than any other sport, and this way, you get to build your physical endurance faster.
Skating is only comparable to swimming, with regards to the flexibility it offers.
Like swimming, skating often requires us to use every twitch of our muscles, and in a different direction.
Just think about everything that goes into a successful skating experience; it requires the movement of feet, and legs, arms for balancing, and the rest of the body to keep you steady and balanced.
Now, combine this with the fact that you’ve to perform several tricks, and you’ll easily see why there’re probably a few sports that can match the flexibility skateboarding offers.
Equilibrium Ability
The equilibrium ability is probably the unique benefit of skateboarding.
See, we all know that the magic o skateboarding is to keep balance when sliding and avoiding falling, and if you’re to fall, you learn how to fall correctly.
With time, skateboarders will naturally learn how and where to place their feet to keep balance. The more you use enuff skateboard, the better you become at balancing and reducing instances of taking a spill or even freak accidents.
Pain Tolerance
Like any other sport, there’s a dark side to skateboarding, and any skateboarder can tell you that bruises, scars, scrapes, aches, and pains are part of their life.
This is particularly true if you’re just starting on skateboarding.
Nonetheless, the fun and excitement of skating are far greater than the pain involved, and if anything, the small injuries will go away, and you’ll forget about them.
However, some things will never fade in your memory; your first kickflip, or even the first handrail.
Stress Reliever
Physical activities are considered as a stress reliever, but in our opinion, skateboarding is at the upper echelons as it’s quite a powerful tool for dealing with stress.
What we like about skateboarding is that it will take your mind off things, or it will help you think concisely about things.
Either way, skateboarding brings your life and all other aspects into perspective and will let you feel as if you’re in control of everything.
We cannot also fail to mention that this sport has a calming effect, and by releasing the feel-good endorphins from your body, you get to relax and feel good about your life, in general.
Skateboarding, like any other sports activity, has numerous healthy and physical benefits.
However, skateboarding is unique in that it has peculiar health benefits that are commonly not found in other activities.