In the fast-paced, modern world, it’s hard to get enough sleep. People try all kinds of do it yourself methods for getting to sleep at night, from self-hypnosis techniques to taking over the counter medications. But what are some effective ways for getting shut eye without using drugs or unusual approaches? Fortunately, there are dozens of efficient ways to meet the challenge. Here are some of the best-known ways that are used by millions of weary folks when it’s time to turn off the lights and recharge the body.
Manage Pain and Worries
It’s important to be relatively pain free when you retire for the evening. It’s also a good idea to put your worries aside, even if that means saying to yourself, “I’ll deal with that situation tomorrow. Right now, I’m going to get some rest.” Making the intention a spoken, verbal commitment can help. If you live in a big city like New York, for example, and you want to get a medical card for cannabis, you can take care of the chore without leaving home. With the card in hand, you’re able to obtain legal cannabis to help quell pain or treat a variety of other medical maladies. The point is that you are able to manage your pain, minimize physical discomfort and turn out the lights for the night.
Keep a Schedule
There’s a lesson to be learned from those lucky enough to sleep between seven and nine hours every night. They tend to have rather rigid routines. Most turn in at about the same time and wake at the same hour each day. Some have pre-bed routines like taking a shower, brushing teeth, reading or taking a short walk. If you long to join this group of experts, consider making a routine for yourself and trying it out for a week or two.
Avoid Naps
If you nap too much, it only makes sense that it will be harder to fall asleep in the evening. If you’re retired, it’s hard to resist the urge to nap, but you’ll need to if you want to be tired enough when the clock tells you the day is done. Try cutting out naps or minimizing them to no longer than 20-minute sessions and see if you get good results.
Don’t Eat or Drink Too Late
When you put food or liquid into your body less than three hours before bedtime, there’s a good chance your body will have a difficult time achieving deep states of restfulness until your digestive cycle has finished its work. That’s why so many adults avoid eating or drinking anything for several hours before bed.
Exercise Every Day
A moderate amount of physical activity does wonders for the body’s rest and wake cycle. Even a few minutes of brisk walking each day can contribute to your overall level of fatigue at the end of the day. Be careful not to exercise vigorously right before bedtime because you risk elevating your metabolism and interfering with your body’s ability to relax.