What is Insomnia from a Hypnotist’s Point of View?
Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, sleeping too little, or sleeping too long for no clear reason. In some cases, this condition is easily treated with simple medications, stress reduction techniques, meditation, and biofeedback therapy.
There is an alternative found with hypnosis and it is claimed to be the fastest treatment. By observing children with insomnia, researchers found how hypnosis gets to the roots of fears causing the problem. Of course, these fears can spread to the rest of life, causing further issues.
Will Hypnosis Put Me to Sleep?
The process of hypnosis itself does slow down the activity of brainwaves. This brings about a state of calmness that can range from light to heavy. In some cases, it may seem like sleep but it is truly a trance state.
At the same time, people can fall asleep from the relaxation of successful hypnosis alone. Perhaps this could be all you need to treat insomnia. Hypnotists consider insomnia as something caused from repressed emotions and certain limitations of mind.
Why do I Have Insomnia?
Back in the far and distant past, the human race were all hunter gatherers. This means the species truly had to work in order to survive. Stress, if at all, was only present during times of threat. Otherwise, real neurosis probably did not exist.
Now, people have a strong sense of self, often known as “ego,” but it can get in the way of many different functions in life. Essentially, we still have the same instincts but circumstances of life along with stress and ego barriers.
Additionally, humans do not get as much exercise as they did when they had to hunt.
How can Stress be Controlled?
From the view of a hypnotist, neurosis is part of the rise of stress. Just because you have stressful stimuli in your life does not mean that you have to succumb to them or directly experience the continued anxiety and other problems.
Basically, you may not be able to control the stress, but you can change the way you respond to them. With hypnosis, it is possible to change neuroses into positive attitudes in a matter of hours or even just a few sessions. This seems to be one of the best controls for stress.
Getting Relief
Methods of assisted hypnosis and self-hypnosis alike can allay both childhood and adult traumas. It can alleviate neuroses as well. With this achieved, more room is left to insert positive attitudes and thoughts.
Hypnosis is a perfect way to achieve this in a very short period of time. It helps to tune your mind and thoughts to a frequency supporting low stress and healthy sleep.
Mental Health and Insomnia
There are many conditions which can lead to insomnia. When these conditions are diagnosed, the insomnia has a clear cause and can be treated accordingly. Otherwise the cause is unknown but there are suspicions of certain causes.
Mental health issues will play a part most of the time. People with mental health disorders can also find benefit from hypnotherapy.