Acupuncture is a very old technique used to treat many ailments with the use of needles. It is more than 2 thousand years old. People have been benefiting from it since old times. The treatment involves needles; the needles are inserted in specific points on the skin to trigger body response in order to cure an ailment.
The process of needle insertion might seem terrifying, but it involves minor to no pain. Usually, needles are inserted in nerve-rich areas, and a slight insertion is enough to trigger a response from desired organs, glands, and tissues.
How Research Finds Acupuncture Against Different Pains?
Acupuncture is based on the Chinese philosophy of ‘qi’ which suggests that blockage and disruption in the body’s natural energy flow that assists healing result in different diseases. Today science and medicine also support the effectiveness of acupuncture against diseases.
Even American Medical Association accepts acupuncture as a possible treatment. Many insurance plans in the US cover the cost of acupuncture treatment. Let us see how research supports the effectiveness of acupuncture against different pains.
Low Back Pain
Research confirms that acupuncture is very effective against low back pain. It does so in numerous ways by stimulating neurotransmitters that assist in getting relief from pain by stimulating the production of pain-relieving hormones.
Acupuncture alone has sometimes proved enough to get rid of low back pain. In other cases, acupuncture in addition to medication and certain therapies.
It is a very common condition around the US, and more than 3 million cases are reported annually. In this condition, knees are affected. The protective cartilage around the knee wears out, making it painful, and it becomes hard for the patient to move around.
Though this condition is not curable, treatment can reduce its severity. Research finds acupuncture very effective against osteoarthritis.
Neck Pain
Neck pain is a very common issue, and there could be numerous reasons behind neck pain. Such pain may also vary based on the intensity level and severity of pain. Sometimes neck pain radiates towards the shoulders or head region. The more common reasons behind neck pain include bad posture, strain for a long duration, uncomfortable sleeping positions, and stress.
Researchers have found that acupuncture is very significant in reducing neck pain. Not only is it effective, but it is more significant as compared to other methods. Acupuncture helps to reduce muscle tension and strain.
Migraines And Headache
Migraines and headaches are very common issues among Americans. The US annually reports more than 3 million cases. In case of repetitive and more frequent episodes of headache, there could be many factors such as lifestyle and habits that could possibly result in a headache. Most of the time, it is triggered by stress, alcoholism, certain foods, and even strenuous exercise.
Though there is no evidence that supports the role of acupuncture in treating or dealing with alcoholism, it is effective against headaches and migraines. Headaches and migraines form the major withdrawal symptom and must be treated. Addiction treatment programs offered in rehab centers such as support groups are the most effective way to get out of it.
Labour Pains
Normally every fertile woman has to bear labor pain at some point in life. However, the fear of it is so high that many women opt to undergo surgery rather than bearing the labor pain. Medical science is always found interested in the search for ways through which labor pain can be reduced.
Acupuncture is a medication-free way of getting rid of labor pain. There are mixed views on the effectiveness of acupuncture in reducing the intensity of labor pain. Some research found significant results in reducing labor pain. In contrast to it, few researchers suggest that it is hard to track the effectiveness of acupuncture during labor pain.
Depression is a mental condition in which a person loses interest in life activities and experiences a down mood. This is also a very common condition, and it is not only common in the US, but it is becoming a more common issue across the globe. Depression is conventionally treated with the help of medication, therapies, and certain lifestyle changes.
Research suggests acupuncture, in addition to antidepressant medications, is very effective in overcoming depression. However, more research is needed to understand how acupuncture plays a role in fixing the neural circuits that are the potential cause of depression.
Seasonal Allergies
Allergies vary in type and nature, and many people have to deal with certain types of allergies. Conventionally certain medications are used to treat and fix allergies. The role of acupuncture in treating allergies is still under research. However, researchers tested the role of acupuncture on seasonal allergies such as hay fever.
The results showed and confirmed the effectiveness of acupuncture against such types of seasonal allergies. Research also supports the role of acupuncture in effectively treating the skin condition Eczema.
Limited Evidence Conditions
Researchers are looking and searching how acupuncture effectively helps with various conditions. Though research supports the effectiveness of acupuncture in dealing with numerous conditions as discussed above, there are certain conditions for which there is no evidence that supports the positive role of acupuncture.
These conditions for which there is less support from research, and it requires studies at a larger scale to give any final word include
- Acne
- Cancer
- Abdominal pain
- Obesity
- Insomnia
- Infertility
- Diabetes
- Stiff neck
- Alcohol dependence
How To Find An Acupuncturist?
You may ask for a personal referral in order to find an acupuncturist near you. You may search for acupuncturists online that work in the area around you. Make sure that you visit a licensed acupuncturist.
Take Away
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese technique of treating various conditions and associated pains. Today Medical Science also accepts acupuncture as a possible treatment technique. There is a lot of research going around to evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture against different types of health problems.