Finding a lump in your breast can be one of the most harrowing things that a woman will have to go through. We are told from a young age that we must check our breasts as regularly as possible as a lump could be a sign of cancer. Catching cancer, especially breast cancer, at an early stage, could be the difference between it being curable and not curable, which is why we have so many campaigns to advise women to examen their breasts often and take action should anything seem out of place.
Whilst we do have plenty of reminders to check our breasts, there is not a great deal of information out there about what you should do if you do happen to find a lump in your bosom.
Contact a Medical Professional
Whenever you happen to find a lump in your breast it is of course important that you seek medical help as quickly as possible. No matter where you are in the world, it makes sense to contact the closest medical professional as time could be very important. When I found a lump in my breast 4 years ago I was actually on vacation for the week and had to go for a Los Angeles breast biopsy clinic, to review what was going on in my chest. Don’t waste any time when you find a lump, go and get it checked out quickly.
Don’t Panic
Not panicking is easier said than done but it is crucial that you keep yourself together, and that you remain as calm as possible. In the majority of cases, a breast lump is nothing more than fatty tissue which has built up, or perhaps a blood vessel which has become inflamed, even if you do have a tumour in your breast, there are many cases where these have been shown to be benign. The best way of thinking is that you won’t know anything until the test results come back, and until that time it is important that you stay calm and look after yourself. It can be easy for your mind to wander and so you must be strong in trying to focus on the positives.
Telling People
In terms of notifying people about what you have found, this is far better off being left until you actually know what is going on. If you have a partner then by all means let them know, but anyone else should be left in the dark until you are sure of what is going on. The main reason for this is that with so many women having lumps in their breasts that result in nothing, the last thing you want to do is worry people with this news, until you are absolutely positive about what is going on.
It is likely that the breast lump you have found is nothing, but you should still always get it checked out.