Having a bad mood can be fraught with laziness and unknowing what to do with your life (whether it is a long or a short-term perspective). However, melancholy can be almost a perfect state of mind for developing and practicing overlooked skills you never had time to dedicate yourself to.
One of the greatest ways to deal with numb feelings and to improve your fine motor skills at the same time is to renew your calligraphy abilities. Things you will need for this journey are lined papers, a fountain pen, ink (optional) and reliable source for you to study. You can start with exploring and trying out different aspects Gothic Calligraphy. The great thing about this skill is that nowadays it’s rare. Besides finding a comfort in this mind-resting exercise, you will ultimately start to surprise yourself with ability to write each letter like a comprehensively developed artist.
Read Upside Down
The underrated and overlooked skill to read text from any angle comes from the world of true journalism. Unlike most of the modern media field workers, pre-internet era news reporters would have to be subtle and creative in order to get the maximum of information. Reading upside down always was one of the secret skills they needed to have in order to excel in the industry of broadcasting.
Developing ability to read upside down will take you a while, but it will also start to help you a lot in your everyday life. Especially when you don’t expect it. The best way of learning how to read it is by using a printed text instead of phone. That way you will minimize chances of your distractions on sudden notifications.
Folding T-shirts Perfectly in a Few Seconds
At the final stage of a laundry day majority of the people prefer to fold T-shirts in common, easy and usually almost half-crumpled way. Not everyone wants to develop a better folding technique while handling home stuff on a regular basis. However, downtime can be a perfect period for acquiring this new, simple and useful knowledge.
Dedicating a little time on developing this skill can play a role of a good therapeutic exercise. There is a specific technique on how to do it in a couple of seconds. It is not as difficult as it may seem at first. And it requires only a T-shirt and a little bit of patience.
This practice will help you to distract yourself from whatever is bothering you at the moment and to concentrate on the art of folding. In the future this ability will reflect both on extra space in your bag (if you travel) and your accurate visual look.
About the Author: Zack Hargrove is a remote editor at writing centers. Most of his topics are dedicated music industry and unusual ways of strengthening your scientific curiosity. Don’t hesitate to follow him on Twitter @zackhargrovejr if you need a personal essay writer for hire or professional biology homework help.