There are a few events in a man’s life that often feel like key markers along their journey. One of those things is proposing to their significant other.
Always an exciting and romantic moment, proposing takes a lot of nerves and assurance of your love for your significant other.
Choose the Right Setting
While some proposals are formal affairs, there are plenty of ways to get your spouse excited about the idea of proposing. Don’t feel the need to create magic out of thin air, but instead consider some stories of your engaged friends, or family members — as well as endless ideas online like these ones. The most important thing to consider is whether you would prefer a public, private, or even semi-private setting.
Some people want to propose during the superbowl, others choose a more private restaurant setting. Go with what feels right.
Pick the Right Ring
Taking into consideration your budget, there are many options to consider when picking a ring. Do not feel pressured to spend one month’s salary like many people will tell you. Instead, go with what feels right for your budget and remember you may want to save for a honeymoon if you choose to go on one. Whether you have the budget for a custom diamond engagement ring like those available at Kimberfire, or something more simple and cost effective, it’s the symbolization of your love that matters.
Relax in the Moment
As hard as it may be, try to be relaxed and sure in the moment.When that first giant leap comes, you may feel that anxious lump in your stomach, but remember your love and let it guide you to relax into this beautiful moment and make it memorable.
Without fail, you can say our “Lovers Belief” is “If you truly believe in the relationship, then you must pursue it.” And if you worry about lack of reciprocation, remember that does not mean the love is not there. Relationships are complex and deserve to be treated as such.
Whether you are certain you want an extravagant proposal, or would rather go with something more simple, the moments you create with your significant other can’t be traded for anything else.