There are many reasons you may be considering purchasing a mobility scooter. Often, people buy mobility scooters because they are getting older, and are thus less able to get themselves from Point A to Point B on foot. Others may purchase mobility scooters because injuries or other physical conditions prevent them from traveling relatively long distances without the aid of mobility equipment.
Regardless of your reasons for buying a mobility scooter, when making a purchase, you need to look for a scooter that has certain essential features and traits. They include the following:
The right size
Naturally, a mobility scooter needs to be large enough to comfortably accommodate your weight and overall body size. However, it shouldn’t be so large that it takes up more space than necessary.
This is particularly true if you plan on taking any trips via plane or train in the future. Airline policies regarding mobility equipment tend to require that said equipment be fairly small and portable.
With that in mind, you may want to buy a folding mobility scooter. It will likely serve your needs without being larger than necessary.
A folding mobility scooter that’s not particularly large will also offer greater day-to-day convenience. For example, you may use your mobility scooter when shopping for groceries. It will, of course, be much easier to do so if your scooter is small enough that it allows you to easily navigate a crowded and potentially cramped aisle at the supermarket.
Distance capacity
Different types of mobility scooters can travel different distances. For example, two-wheeled mobility scooters are usually able to travel longer distances than four-wheeled mobility scooters. On the other hand, four-wheeled mobility scooters are often more durable than those with two or three wheels, and they can travel across surfaces other models may struggle with, such as gravel roads and driveways.
No type is universally “better” than another. You simply need to account for how far you expect to travel with your mobility scooter when deciding which type is best for you.
The right number of seats
If both you and a loved one have limited mobility, you may be thinking about buying two mobility scooters.
This is certainly an option to consider. However, it’s important to know that some mobility scooters have two seats. If you and your loved one tend to be together when leaving your home, you might wish to save money by purchasing a single mobility scooter with two seats, rather than two separate models.
Don’t overlook this essential factor! The right mobility scooter is meant to support your comfort. It shouldn’t detract from your comfort.
You may not have the opportunity to test out a mobility scooter before making a purchase if you’re buying one online. That said, most reputable online mobility scooter suppliers will offer information regarding features that serve to boost your comfort when using a scooter. Look for one that you believe you’ll feel comfortable sitting in for an extended period of time.
Most importantly, take your time when deciding which scooter to purchase. This piece of equipment will, again, play a significant role in your daily life. You must be confident you’re making the right purchase.