Winter season is almost here, which means the temperatures will soon begin to drop to the extreme, especially at night in Calgary. Like many other homeowners, you must also be thinking about turning on the furnace, which is a part of your HVAC system. Since it has stayed idle throughout the summers, it is imperative to get the furnace checked to ensure it heats your home properly. But how can you know the right time to take care of problems in the furnace before the peak cold comes?
Besides the obvious and clear sign of the furnace not heating properly, some warning signs might show up now and then. When you have these signs you must call the expert furnace repair Calgary. If you pay attention to such warning signs, hopefully, you will be able to catch any major problems with the furnace in time and control the damage level.
#1 – Does Your Furnace make Creepy Sounds as Though it’s possessed?
No furnace is ever silent, but at the same time, it is not normal for furnaces to give out strange, creepy noises. If you end up hearing creepy sounds like you do when watching a horror movie (whining, groaning, and banging noises), then clearly, something is not right with the furnace, and it is a sign of a “repair time.” Your furnace might have a blower, or it might have ignition problems, which will require replacements.
#2 – Is Turning up The Thermostat Not Working Anymore?
When you feel cold during winter days, your natural reaction would be to try and warm the room up by turning on the furnace. But if your HVAC system is a bit old, you might have to hit the thermostat a few notches up than usual. But what if nothing happens even after that? If it isn’t helping and your room isn’t warming up, then your furnace may have some faults in it, or maybe the ducts are leaking. Such problems are also signs of furnace repairs or maintenance.
#3 – Is Your Monthly Electric or Gas Bill Soaring High?
Compare your previous electric or gas bill records with the present one. Are the bill values higher than they were in the previous months? If the bills are higher than they normally are, that’s a clear indication of a poor performing furnace. There could be many problems with the system, and it is always best that you consult with professionals so they will be able to diagnose the exact problem and repair it on time.
#4 – Does Your Furnace have a Yellow Flame?
Check your furnace regularly, and if you notice a yellow flame, get it checked. At first, you might think that it doesn’t matter, but if you see the yellow flame, do not ignore it. The main problem is that a yellow flame is a clear indication of the gases combining in the furnace, which is not good. Seeing a blue flame is normal because it shows that all the gases have combined in a balance. Yellow shows that the gases have combined with carbon dioxide, which is not a good indication for the furnace’s life.