Moving is a difficult process for anyone, but studies show that this sort of upheaval can be really difficult on children. That’s why, if a move is eminent, you need to be sure that you’re opening the doors of communication and talking with your kids about your future move. How can you make these discussions easier for everyone? Here are a few options you may want to try.

Portrait of neat happy children, boy and girl, standing holding cardboard boxes, toys and surrounded by personal belongings outside, in front of their new house, smiling brightly, ready to move in
1. Set a family meeting to talk about the move
You want to be sure that you set up a family meeting. Have it in a neutral space – like the living room – or in one of their rooms, if they would feel more comfortable there. By taking the time to really open things up and to be honest with them about what’s going on, it will make them more likely to talk to you about concerns and ask any questions they may have.
2. Tell them as soon as the decision is final
You don’t want to tarry when it comes to telling your kids the scoop on your situation. The sooner that you tell them what is going on, the more time that they will have to process it before it actually happens. It can help to reduce any sort of stress or anxiety that they may feel, too.
3. Always be positive!
Positivity is a big deal. If you sound nervous or uncertain, it’s going to make your kids a lot more nervous and uncertain. Have a positive spin on everything and sound enthusiastic about what it is that you’ll be doing with your family. It’ll help your kids to be at least “fine with it”, if not enthusiastic about it, if you show that you’re excited about it as well.
4. Take them to see your new place, if possible
If your move isn’t too far, you want to be sure that you take them to see the new place so that they feel like they are part of the process. On top of that, if you have to get public storage Las Vegas to store some items, take them there as well – they’ll feel more comfortable with the transition and know that those items they don’t see are safe in the storage unit.
5. Answer any questions they may have
Your kids are likely going to have a ton of questions, from “when are we moving?” to “why are we moving?” and more. Because of that, you want to be sure that you have some solid answers related to what you have to
Take the time to really think about how you want to talk to your kids and what you’re going to tell them about this new adventure that you’re going on together. As you work things out and see what may be best for your situation, you can have a better chance of knowing that you’re doing things the right way. Be kind, be patient, and be ready to face whatever may come up during this transition phase for your family.
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