Not only does building a home from scratch mean that you’ll be able to have it built to your exact functional and aesthetic specifications, but it means you can have your own home without the dreaded mortgage hanging over your head.
Building the home of your dreams is something that’s on almost every bucket list worth mentioning and can actually save you a significant amount of money as long as you know where to look and who to work with.
Contractors – Unless you are a skilled brick-layer, carpenter, plumber, electrician (you get the picture) then it is highly unlikely you’ll be able to build the house yourself without some professional help. So, the real skill is in finding the right contractors. Talk to as many as possible and express exactly what you’re looking for to the finest detail and make sure you check their references where possible. Don’t go for the first one you like the sound of. By all means, come back to them, but shop around first.
Size – Build what you need, not what you think you might need. The larger the self-built dream home, the higher the cost so if there are only two of you then 1500 square feet is probably going to be a little excessive (and very expensive). Focus on creating open plan spaces so your home can feel bigger, whilst still being relatively compact. Fewer walls also mean less expenditure and less complicated electrics, plumbing and more.
Components – Whilst we would never recommend doing absolutely everything yourself, if you hire electricians to wire your house then they could possibly charge more for products found online. Always hire an electrician as it’s a delicate job that requires a skilled hand. When it comes to the components, however, tell them you’ll supply them. This could save you a small fortune on markups! The same is also true of building materials. For equipment and tools such as cable ties, wire protectors and end caps, always refer to trusted and reliable suppliers such as RS Components.
DIY – You might (understandably) feel a little nervous doing some of the more demanding jobs yourself, but you’d be amazed what you pick up and what you can achieve if you set your mind to it. Simple tasks such as installing appliances, lighting and flooring can be done quite easily and the abundance of YouTube tutorials online pay testament to that fact! Also, if you build it yourself it really will feel that much more like your home.
Furniture – Finally, it might seem logical to think about furniture last, but if you see a piece that you absolutely adore and it won’t fit in the bedroom or living room you just finished building a year down the line then you will be devastated. Always be on the lookout for great deals and the stuff you really love – because the furniture is ultimately almost as important as the house itself.
The best way to make sure you’re really getting the house you deserve is to find that middle ground between frugal living and going overboard. You don’t want to end up with a bare-bones house that feels like no effort has been put into it, but you also shouldn’t spend hundreds on silly things you won’t need. Think long-term, this quality of life and think within your budget and you’ll be laughing all the way to the home of your dreams.
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