Today, social media has completely transformed the way businesses conduct themselves. Not only are customers more open to sharing their activities and interests online, but getting these customers to share your products on their social media profiles has also become a great way to generate traffic.
However, just like the olden days, e-commerce businesses still struggle with selling their products and services; making a social media profile and having a large number of followers isn’t enough.
About 3.03 billion people are on social media around the globe, so its impact on our lives is impossible to deny. Keeping this in mind, here are seven social media marketing tools and tips for e-commerce businesses.
Keep Your Analytics In Check
Whenever you start an online store, there are a lot of things you should stay updated with. For starters, it’s crucial to monitor competitors. There are multiple platforms available that let you know what your competitors are sharing and what’s gaining traction.
Apart from that, there are many URL shorteners, such as, available that give great click analytics. Whenever you share links on your social media profiles, you can determine how many people end up clicking the link.
Knowing what links are popular allow you to tailor messages to ensure you’re getting the most out of your social media investment. For instance, you might discover that your followers are more likely to click on coupon links rather than product updates links.
You can even filter this information according to different social platforms. For example, product links might be popular on Facebook, but coupon links might be popular on Instagram.
The more insight you can gain on your followers, the more you can contribute to what they want.
Add Exclusivity
The aim of any online business is to maximize their conversion rate and to ensure their visitors turn into loyal customers. It’s a difficult task, but one thing you can do is add exclusivity to your brand.
One way you can do this is to create a call-to-action for your visitors and communicate why your brand is the one to be followed on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media platform. Include platform-specific offers, tips, coupons and other tactics that customers can only get by following your social media sites.
Contribute To Their Lives
Regardless of whether you have a B2B brand or B2C brand, giving back to followers builds on your relationship with them. Think of different ways that you can contribute to your followers’ lives.
For instance, you can share tips and strategies they might find useful. You can even offer them coupons and ask for their opinions regarding a potential product launch.
The main takeaway from this is your ability to be helpful. The better your contribution, the more loyalty it’ll build.
Engage Customers
You might think that once you’ve created a Facebook page or an Instagram account, all your work is done. However, you’ve done nothing until you’ve actually engaged followers. Social media requires a lot of effort, and you have to interact with your followers on a regular basis to make the most of it. This may sound easy, but trust me, it isn’t.
You need to, first, pinpoint who’s talking about your brand and then start up a conversation. Social media is an excellent way to promote your products away from your actual website. You can direct people towards your e-commerce site through your social media profiles and encourage them to make the sale once they do so.
Get Data
Before you do anything else, you need to, first, determine where your products are being shared. Are visitors more likely to share your products on Facebook or Twitter?
Without knowing which social media platform is popular amongst your target market, you won’t know what to focus on. Once you determine social sharing trends, you should add the appropriate share buttons on your product pages.
Set Up Social Media Profiles
It’s crucial today for your business to have A Twitter account and Facebook and Instagram pages. These three platforms are the most popular for businesses and visitors, alike.
It’s essential to determine which social media networks have the most potential for impact and these platforms are the best places to start.
Tailor Content According To The Season
Since decades, retailers have taken advantage of holidays, seasons, and important events to schedule sales and other promotional content. However, at the same time, they fail to create and share the non-promotional aspect of these opportunities.
Holidays and special event related posts not only have the emotional factor that feelings into followers and allow them to connect with your brand, but they’re also highly visual, which is a crucial factor considering 87 percent of Facebook engagement is a result of visual content.
Seasonal events are gold mines for events and promotional sales. You should focus on creating content that’s relevant than just promotional. Keep track of important local events, seasonal changes, holidays, and other news to ensure you’re always up to date with potential opportunities. Once you have the content, engage followers organically rather than promotionally.
There are unlimited ways to promote your ecommerce site on various social media platforms. Using social media to promote your e-commerce isn’t new at all, but what is definitely is the number of ways you can use it to promote your business. Taking advantages of these opportunities is crucial to your growth as a business. If things get tough, you can always outsource internet marketing and get a few experts on board.
Have you tried any of these strategies? Or do you have any other suggestions? Let us know in the comments below!