College isn’t cheap.
Indeed, the collective student loan debt in the US hovers at around $1.5 trillion right now. That level of debt wouldn’t exist if going to school was a low-cost option!
With serious sums of money on the table, choosing the best college possible is a big deal. Equally, money isn’t everything!
Your future is on the line too; a quality college can lay the foundation for success. Clearly, this isn’t a decision to take lightly.
But how do you work out which college is best?
Thankfully, some tried and tested college tour questions can help. Ask them on your forthcoming tours and you’ll be one step closer to figuring out the one to choose.
Sound good? Keep reading for 7 quality questions to ask on your college tours.
1. What Made You Decide This School?
Start by asking your guide why the college appealed to them in the first place.
This is a great question for anyone who has no idea about the right college for them! It’s a way of hearing all the best bits about a specific school direct from the horse’s mouth.
Their answers can prove insightful.
For instance, you might be able to draw parallels between your situation and theirs. For instance, maybe they play the same sports like you and were drawn to the available sporting opportunities. They might reveal features, qualities, and attributes of which you were unaware.
Of course, the follow-up question here is to see how the reality matched up with their expectations!
2. What Do You Like Most About It?
On that note, inquire about their favorite parts of studying at this college.
Try and get to grips with the primary selling points on offer. Ask your tour guide what their personal highlights are, as well as those of their friends and fellow students.
Remember, you’re talking to an actual student at the college! As such, you can gain a more accurate understanding of the college’s attributes, without being sold by a rep.
Finding out the positives will help you figure out if you’d enjoy studying there.
Listen to the delivery of the answer as well. A guide that delivers an impassioned spiel about the college’s qualities is a good sign! By comparison, be wary if they struggle to list more than one or two positives.
3. What’s the Main Problem with Studying Here?
You’re looking for a balanced perspective though.
Be sure to ask about the bad bits too.
Hopefully, your guide will be honest enough to tell you where the college could improve. Maybe the facilities are slightly outdated, or the class-sizes too big.
Whatever the case, listen intently to work out if you could live with these negatives. Keep the good stuff in mind at the same time. After all, the negatives might be worth living with given the immense positives on offer.
4. How’s Social Life?
Ask most people about their college highlights and they’re unlikely to list the hours spent in a library. Instead, they’ll talk about the people they met, the crazy nights out, weekend trips, and so on.
The social side of the college is often what defines the experience.
Assuming you want to have some fun at college, ask about the social life on offer. Inquire about the clubs, the groups, and nightlife, to see if it’s up to your particular social desires!
A bit of balance is important too, though.
It’s true that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. However, all play and no work makes him flunk college and waste his money. Make sure the culture is one that prioritizes both work and play.
5. How Accessible are Tutors and Professors?
Few things are more frustrating than needing help from a tutor/professor and being unable to access it.
Ask about how accessible they are, in general, to students.
The more accessible, the better. Remember, college (especially for freshmen) is a daunting time. It’s a shock to the system with new working styles, assignments and obligations. Wrapping your head around everything isn’t easy.
Being able to ask questions after class, and out of hours, makes a mighty difference.
6. Is the Security on Campus of a High Standard?
You want to feel safe and secure while studying.
Unfortunately, the current social and political climate means that it isn’t, necessarily, guaranteed; new threats to student well-being arise all the time.
Let’s face it, in the hubbub of college life, the last thing you want to worry about is your personal safety. Having high levels of well-trained security personnel onsite at all times can be reassuring.
Ask what provisions the college has in place.
7. How’s the Weather on Campus?
Finally, ask about the weather!
It might not seem like a major point. After all, you’re there to study, get a college education, and have fun in the process. Surely the weather isn’t a serious issue here?
Well, you might be right. Compared to those priorities, the weather shouldn’t make or break your decision.
All the same, it can have an impact on the experience. Someone who’s been born and raised in the heat and sun, for instance, might struggle with the cold and wet of other states. It can affect everything from levels of motivation to personal wellbeing!
At the very least, it’s worth knowing about the weather beforehand.
With this question done and dusted, it’s time to apply and ace your college interview! This post can help with that side of things.
Time to Ask These College Tour Questions!
Picking a college is a big deal.
After all, it’s your future and a bank balance that is on the line!
Unfortunately, making the final decision can be a struggle. With seemingly endless options out there, settling on one isn’t easy.
Thankfully, asking certain college tour questions can be a mighty help. Hopefully, this post has highlighted 7 particular questions that will reveal the college that’s right for you.
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