Many people believe that money makes the world go round, so they opt for high-paying jobs. While others prefer pursuing a career according to their calling and passion.
But for those who dream with passion and persistence, reaching both goals is possible. Here are top lucrative careers you might want to consider that offer a competitive salary as well as job security.
1. Pilot
If you love to travel and have an interest in aviation, you may want to consider training to become a commercial pilot. As you’ll be able to travel to exotic new destinations while getting paid over $100,000 a year. While pilots who fly small size passenger planes earn around $105,000 a year, pilots who fly larger passenger planes can earn in excess of $130,000 a year.
2. Software Engineer
If you prefer the idea of spending your days developing new software programs that will improve the lives of individuals around the world, you may find out more information about becoming a software engineer. It is a rewarding and high paying career as a software engineer can expect to earn from $80,000 to $120,000 per year.
If you choose to become a qualified software engineer you’ll have the opportunity of working for a small tech company or apply for a coveted job at a large established company such as Google, Amazon or Microsoft.
3. Surgeon
If you have an interest in the medical field, you may be shocked to find out that you can earn between $120,000 to $550,000 per year as a surgeon. Typically the more experienced a surgeon you are, the higher your yearly salary will be. Though some types of surgeons such as vascular surgeons earn higher salaries than surgeons who perform low risked operations.
4. Investment Manager
If you have a knack for understanding the financial markets and believe that you’d be able to wisely invest the client’s funds, you may be interested in pursuing a career as an investment manager. On an average an investment manager can expect to earn upwards of $120,000 a year. While more experienced investment managers can expect to earn $150,000 to $160,000 a year.
5. Oral Surgeon
The average oral surgeon brings home a salary of over $200,000 per year. So if you have an interest in dentistry and believe that you have a steady hand in order to complete complex dental procedures, you may want to find out more information about becoming an oral surgeon.
6. Architect
If you’re passionate about design and enjoy sketching buildings or enjoy using graphic design softwares for your projects, you may be well suited to a career as an architect. How much do architects get paid per year? On average architects who have a couple of years of experience under their belt can expect to earn between $80,000 to $120,000 per year. Better yet, after 10 years of experience an architect can expect to bring in $120,000 to $140,000 per year.
7. International Lawyer
If you’d like to earn $90,000 a soon as you graduate from law school, it’s well worth becoming an international lawyer. As the starting salary for international lawyers in a major city is from $80,000 to $100,000. Just take into account the fact that it’s harder to graduate with a degree in international law than to graduate with a general law degree.
So if you’re focused on choosing a career which offers a competitive salary, you can’t go wrong choosing any one of the 7 high paid careers which are listed above.