Traffic is something you have to accept in Toronto. You can be in Toronto and still be a two-hour drive from where you want to be in another part of the city.
You’ve probably seen an accident or two in your travels.
It’s probably no surprise Toronto car accident statistics are on the rise. There’s an average of 6.45 accidents for every hundred cars.
This means there’s a good chance of you being involved in at least a fender bender while driving in Toronto.
It can be a scary and confusing experience but keep reading to learn everything you should do immediately after a car accident in Toronto.
Safety First After a Toronto Car Accident
Whether you’re flying down the 401 or sitting in a jam at Finch and Yonge when the accident happens, the first thing to worry about is safety.
You don’t want an already bad situation becoming much worse. Be safe and make sure everyone else is too.
It is against the law not to stop at the scene of an accident that you’re involved in. This doesn’t mean that you leave your car or the people in it in danger by staying in the middle of the road when not safe to do so.
Call for Help if Needed
If anyone is hurt, or if there is anticipated damage above $2000, you’ll need to call emergency services. If there are injuries, be sure to wait for EMS before moving anyone as you can make injuries worse and cause more damage.
The only possible exception to this would be if there are flames near a gas tank or fuel source and fear of imminent danger of an explosion.
Even if there are no injuries and no major damage, if you suspect the other driver has broken the law by driving under the influence it is important to call and get directions from local police and emergency personnel.
Non-Emergency Collisions
When you’ve been involved in a Toronto car accident that doesn’t result in injuries or significant damage over $2000 then you should contact the closest accident reporting center within 24 hours of the collision occurring.
You can find information on the protocol, forms needed, and other resources on the Accident Support Services International website. It will also provide you with information on the closest Collision Reporting Center to you.
Gather Information
When it’s safe to do so, start to gather the information you’ll need regarding the accident. This will include pictures, insurance, driver information, witness information, accident report number, and any other relevant information.
If you have a cellphone camera, it is a good idea to take your own pictures or even video record any damages or the position of cars in case there is a dispute about the accident at a later date.
Keep a record of any relevant accident information you can gather so you have it for reference when needed.
Call Insurance, Seek Professional Help
After the initial emergency is over, you’ll need to call your insurance company to provide them with the details of the accident to file an insurance accident claim.
You may want to follow up with a medical professional to make sure that you don’t have any injuries or complications because of the impact of the accident. Often people will feel fine during the shock of the accident and immediately afterward only to realize later that there are injuries that have a potential lifelong impact on their quality of life.
You may also want to seek legal advice from an expert law firm such as Gary Mazin to ensure you and your family are taken care of and receive everything you’re entitled to.
Stay Calm After a Toronto Car Accident
If you have a Toronto car accident the best thing you can do is to stay calm and remember these steps so that the aftermath will be easier to straighten out and get you on the road again.
Remember, just because everyone else is driving 20 and 30 km above the speed limit, doesn’t mean you have to. You can be a game-changer and help make GTA roads safer by following the rules of the road.
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