It is important that we when it comes to ecological sustainability environmental changes are at the top of our list and there are many which we can all make that will make a difference. So many of us think that we are not the cause of the problems that are happening with our planet yet collectively we absolutely are a big portion of it. The key is for us all to make slight changes, tweaks to our lives in order to help, and then push for changing the big corporations and companies who are causing the bulk of the harm.
Here are some tip son how you can switch to live greener.
Buying Local Produce
Food miles are a very dangerous threat to our planet and the higher the demand that we have for food which isn’t local, the more food miles get racked up. Take a plate of steak and vegetables for example, it is very possible that the meat came from Argentina, the broccoli came from Israel, the carrots came from the Netherlands and the potatoes came from the south of the UK. Just imagine all of the miles that this food must travel in order to get to your plate. With those miles comes jet fuel burning which creates huge damage to the planet. Buy local and help your community and your planet.
Eating Less Meat
The meat industry is a scourge on the planet and the less that you consume the better it will be for everyone. If you must eat meat then seek out sustainable and responsible farming practices in your local area. Not only does the water consumption of all the animal waiting to be slaughtered drain resources, but we quite literally are cutting down rainforests in order to plant crops which will then feed those animals. This is a dangerous industry which we must all ensure that we avoid.
Transport Options
If you can then it is always the best move to get out and about on a bicycle or on foot when you are moving between two places. If you have to take a vehicle then public transport is always better, unless of course you have an electric car, yet another good idea. If a car is a must then try your best to carpool with others so that you can minimize the number of cars on the road, pumping out noxious chemicals.
Things aren’t so simple as just tossing something away and then forgetting about it, there is much more that we need to do. If you do this then things go to landfill sites and then release dangerous gases into the atmosphere as they decompose over many decades. The best bet is to ensure that you are separating your trash and recycling as much as you possibly can. Recycling and re-using is one of the best ways in which you can help the planet to recover from the damage which has been done.