The more things change in the fashion industry, the more they stay the same. Indeed, this is just another way of saying that nothing in fashion ever truly goes out of style. It simply sits on the shelf until someone decides to resurrect it. Lately, the 90s have re-emerged in everything from sunglasses to knee socks.
The 90s were a transitional decade. We were all trying to escape pastel colors and big hair which, themselves, where an escape from bell bottoms and even bigger hair. It was also a decade spent trying to imagine the future. The closer we inched to the 2000s, the stranger our imaginations became.
You might not be a big fan of 90s era fashion. Maybe you weren’t a big fan of the 80s or 70s either. At any rate, those of us who absolutely despise the previous two decades are at least thankful that they haven’t come back. The 90s are something we can live with.
Sunglasses in the 1990s
Things like cardigans and sheer dresses were all about getting away from the muted pastels of the 1980s. They were not such a drastic change when you consider some of the things they replaced. However, we saw a lot of noticeable change in designer sunglasses and their prescription counterparts.
In the 1980s, eyewear frames seemed to get obnoxiously small. It got to the point where sunglasses were offering very little eye protection because they were no bigger than a penny. We compensated in a big way in the 1990s. Not only did sunglasses get much bigger, but the shapes were purposely exaggerated with ferocious intent as well.
Do you remember what the most popular frame style was throughout the 1990s? It was the cat-eye frame. Cat-eyes were not even new themselves. They were actually first invented back in the 1930s for celebrities whose sole purpose for wearing sunglasses in public was to maintain anonymity.
Speaking of cat-eyes, manufacturers aren’t necessarily sticking with the traditional shape these days. Olympic Eyewear offers a number of designs that seem to combine the traditional cat-eye with a more classic teardrop effect. The look is quite captivating. Still, they are 1990s through and through.
Other 1990s Reboots
Though our focus has been sunglasses thus far, they are not the only 1990s fashion accessory getting a reboot right now. There are plenty of others to look at. For example, the aforementioned knee socks are suddenly all the rage. They aren’t just for seniors looking for a little extra support.
Go to any public space this summer and you are bound to see people of all ages wearing knee socks along with long shorts. Play your cards right and you might get to see a lower half completely covered except for the kneecaps.
If you would rather cover everything from waist to toe, look no further than cargo pants. The pants made famous by MC Hammer are back. Look for them in dark colors, bright neons, and even camouflage. Just remember that anyone can touch them if close enough.
Above the shoulders, the 1990s are back with extra wide headbands and claw clips. The latter is considered one of most chic hair accessories right now. A good claw clip can double as a bag clip for your chips.
All kidding aside, fashion truly is cyclical. We see this every time an old style is pulled out of the closet and put back on the street. Right now, it’s all about the 1990s. How long the trend lasts is anyone’s guess, so get in on it now if the 90s were your thing.