Halloween is a uniquely quirky time of year that’s earned a special place in our hearts. There’s no other celebration quite like it – and the chances are that you’ve got fond memories of spending time with good friends, perhaps dressed in appropriately-grisly costumes.
Ideally, we’d all like to spend every Halloween in this way. But sometimes, life gets in the way, and we find ourselves hundreds of miles away from our nearest and dearest. This doesn’t make Halloween parties impossible, but it does mean that you’ll need to find another way to mark the occasion with distant friends. Let’s take a look at a few suggestions.
Play spooky games
Even if you’re not an avid gamer, playing horror-themed games over the internet can make a great way to spend time with friends over the hallowe’en season. There are plenty of spooky video games to choose from, but you might also try a board game, like Atmosfear or Betrayal at House on the Hill.
Go Virtual Reality
Another twist on the video game theme comes in the form of totally-immersive, 360° experiences. You’ll need an expensive viewing device like an Oculus Rift, but if you’ve overcome that particular hurdle, the rest is simple.
Ouija Board
Ouija Boards are a classic of witchcraft and Halloween fun, and, thanks to video streaming, their results can even be shared over a long distance. If you want to go to some extra effort, then you might even stage a real haunting, and thereby freak your friend out – though this might require some dedication and planning.
Carving Pumpkins
Similarly, you don’t need to share a space to carve pumpkins together – just set up a video link and talk one another through the process. If you want to add some suspense, then you can keep the front face of the lantern hidden from the camera until you’re both done, and then spin things around for the final reveal. What could be spookier? You can find plenty of online inspiration (and instruction) for your pumpkin-carving exploits.
Read a story
You might think of reading as an activity to be pursued alone. But the best horror stories lend themselves to being read out loud. If you know the story by heart, then you can add you own special flavour to the delivery, even if you’re telling it over an internet connection.
Send a Gift Package
Of course, sending all of these digital messages is great, but there’s no real substitute for sending something real, touchable and tangible. Put together a Halloween-themed gift basket, complete with edible treats, and send it off to your favourite person. Choose a quality courier service like Parcel2Go, and be sure that you’ve left enough time for the package to arrive.