Typically, the most straightforward way to determine whether or not you’re an alpha is if you feel like one. If you aren’t especially confident in your abilities, relationships, or job prospects, more than likely, you’re leaning toward the beta camp or worse.
First and foremost, how you carry yourself is key. When you want others to perceive you as having more of an alpha or self-assured nature, then you better start finding ways to both look and feel it.
Get healthy.
Alphas don’t have to become bodybuilders, although that never hurts. They generally exhibit a tendency to take care of their bodies. It’s time to start valuing your own health and well-being. Drastic changes are less likely to be sustainable, so don’t expect to be able to suddenly switch up your diet or completely eliminate beer and French fries. Look for simple fixes you can start to incorporate in your daily routine. Don’t let laziness get the better of you. Tap your hidden potential to get started on a regular exercise regimen. If you miss a workout or binge-eat a meal or two, don’t give up. Keep working toward your goal, and you’ll begin to see results.
Take charge.
The only person who should be making your decisions is you, not your mom, your ex-girlfriend, or your co-workers. Step up and speak for yourself. You don’t like something? Leave it. Do you want to pursue a particular field of work? Go for it. There’s nothing more alpha than pursuing what you want and discarding what you don’t. Life is short, and you only get one chance to live it. Remember that as you continue to strive for success and happiness. However, that doesn’t mean you aren’t free to get a second opinion on occasion if you’re ever unsure about a haircut or new suit.
Ditch the friend zone.
If your intention with your female acquaintance is to be more than friends, it’s time to be upfront and be prepared to leave if she doesn’t feel the same way. Most women put men in the friend zone not because the men are too nice, but because they don’t show any signs of being boyfriend material. The best way to show the ladies you have romantic potential is to let them see you in a different light. Go off on your own, and do your own thing more often. Get better at your work or hobbies, and let them see some of your skills. Having your own interests and goals is especially appealing to women.
Don’t be afraid of failure.
The main reason many people don’t change their circumstances is the fear of rejection. If you don’t try, you can’t fail, right? There are times when you need to remind yourself that the worst that can happen is that someone will tell you they aren’t interested. It really is better than being left to wonder what could have been after it’s too late. Rejection isn’t the worst thing in the world, though it may feel like it sometimes. At least, you’ll know where you stand so you can learn from it and move on.
Becoming an alpha isn’t about asking for a carefree life. It’s about building character. Check out https://thenewalpha.com/ for more on becoming the best man you can be.