Busy lifestyles can mean your home gets overlooked, and then when you do have time to spend there it doesn’t feel comfortable and like a home. It is meant to feel warm and inviting and sometimes it can make you feel like this when it isn’t even your own, want to know their secret?
Bring To The Forefront The Things You Love
Display the things you love and hide what you don’t, this will make your home remind you of your passions and make you happier. By filling your home with personal mementos, this could be items from traveling, your favourite books or beloved accessories, this will make your home your own and give it that personal touch.
Make Things Simple
Simplify your life by passing on anything you now dislike or never seem to use, if it doesn’t bring something to your life then recycle or donate to a charity shop. Your home can become cluttered and busy with stuff that doesn’t bring you purpose or joy, make space for important things.
Be Brave
Try something you are afraid to do, whether that’s a bold colour, pattern or furniture, this will bring excitement to your home and make it stand out from the others, you shouldn’t have to feel restricted by your space, make the most of what you have.
Appreciate What yYou Have
Appreciate what makes your home and emphasise it, this advice is given to so many different aspects because it is so important, you’ve got to make the most of what you have and by highlighting the best bits, this achieves this.
Make A Space Just For You
Create a space that’s just for you in your home, it’s easy to get caught up in the world of interior design and forget that making a beautiful space doesn’t require expensive furniture, it could be with an affordable, loved armchair such as Eames RAR Rocking Chair in your favourite colour that is perfect for reading in the corner of the room. This allows you somewhere to go to spend some time to yourself and relax.
Break The Monochrome Trend
Add colour, it could be through cushions, furniture, walls or artwork, we see monochrome a lot these days it can be refreshing to see what a bit of colour can do to your home. Colour has been found to evoke emotion, such as yellow the feeling of happiness, green the feeling of peace, you could pick a colour to convey what you are looking for in your life.
Make It Adaptable
Your style and needs might change so let your home adapt so it is always current for what you need it for, designs such as box frames give you the freedom to create an ever-changing display for whatever you want to be displaying.
Enjoy Time In Your Home
Finally one of the most important ways is to create memories that you will treasure forever and can look back on to remember good times spent in your home. The form of the house doesn’t matter as much as what goes inside, whether that be hosting Sunday lunches, inviting friends over for making cocktails or hosting a dinner party, the possibilities are endless and it will make your house feel more like a home.