Is there any substantial evidence that we are being watched over and visited by guardian angels? It may not be up to us to know this, but one thing is for sure. Each and every one of us has a guardian angel watching over them. They really don’t have to tap us on our backs to ask for our approval. Nope! But think of it this way, the close calls for accidents you got involved in and successfully got out unscratched or unscathed weren’t as a result of your wits but of a higher power. The idea of having a guardian angel is in itself comforting.
We all have various beliefs regarding guardian angels. Nevertheless, we all have one common belief, that guardian angels guide and protect us through the various hardships we may face in life. This may cause most of us to seek guidance and direction from our guardian angels, especially when trying to make sense of the most difficult of life situations. This is why you need to know of the many guardian angel signs surrounding you.
In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the various ways on how to tell if you have a guardian angel watching over you.
1. In the Eyes of Babies
Think of the innocence that little babies possess. It’s not in their place to see or tell beyond reality. They are just innocent souls who cannot tell between what’s real and what’s not. If you closely look in the eyes of an infant, you may see them look at things you may not be able to explain. To make matters interesting, they giggle at imaginary objects out of nowhere. How do you then explain this? It means that they are able to see and tap into another realm of joy and happiness. They can see angels hovering and playing around them. That’s what!
2. Hearing Sweet Voices
In this day and age, if you go explaining to everyone that you can hear sweet melodies in the air, you’ll be confined in a psychiatric ward. This is because no one wants to admit that there are guardian angels living amongst us. Back in the days, this was normal. Not today, though. But if you ever get to hear of sweet voices ringing in your eardrums, take a moment and live the moment. Try and -in an internal voice-respond to their weakening.
3. Dreams
Have you ever had a dream that only you could interpret and on top of this, the dream came true? We all have a share in such situations. Most people view dreams as ordinary visions we may experience while sleeping. This may not necessarily be so. There are guardian angels who interact with us in our sleep. They reveal to us glimpses of what the future may hold for us. Such dreams may not be as vivid as you would want them to be but are a sign that someone out there has an interest with your tomorrow.
4. Glimmers and flashes of light
Of course, no one would expect their guardian angel to manifest in total darkness. It’s highly expected that angels are creatures of the light. You may, therefore, have experiences of lights flashing down from your window or from the corner of the eye. You may also experience glimmers of light flashing from out of nowhere instantaneously. This is a clear sign that you have a guardian angel watching over you.
5. Heavenly melodies
The angels up above are always singing in the best melodious voices we’ve ever heard. Sometimes, we may have bits of this heavenly chorus ringing in our ears. If you find yourself hearing of such beautiful voices out of nowhere, chances are that it’s your guardian angel.
6. White bright feathers
If you are blessed to find unusual bright white feathers in the most unexpected of places, do not just brush it off as a common occurrence. This is a clear sign that your guardian angel is close by. So, if you are in your regular meditations in your room and find some feathers, that’s a moment to think of your guardian angel.
As earlier mentioned, it’s very comforting to know that there are angels living amongst us. Guardian angels exist, and it is high time we appreciated that they want to be involved in our affairs. So, the next time you are feeling scared and lonely, you might want to get into the spiritual version of yourself and call on your guardian angel.
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