In recent years, cyber-attacks targeting businesses, organizations and institutions have been growing at an alarming rate. Despite most of these establishments taking steps to protect themselves from these cyber-attacks, more often than not, cyber-attackers still find their way in. So what gives? Most of the establishments that have fallen victim to cyber-attacks in the recent past despite having put measures to prevent this usually have one vulnerability, endpoints. The attackers typically use endpoints to find their way into protected systems and cause harm. You might assume that you are safe from this because you already have robust protection against cyber-attacks but hold on, this might have passed you. For you to be sure you need to ensure that you and your business or institution have endpoint security built int your systems.
Endpoint security
In the cyber protection sector, endpoint security is the practice of protecting a corporate network during their access by mobile internet devices such as laptops and smartphones. When these mobile devices are connecting to your protected corporate network most at times, they open a vulnerability window as they do this. Cyber-attackers may take advantage of this window to get into your protected network without having to deal with the security measures you have put in place to deal with this.
Endpoint security tries to prevent the window of vulnerability from opening by protecting your connection between the mobile device attempting to access your corporate network and your corporate network. Protecting endpoints utilizes security software centrally located in your corporate network and also mobile devices trying to access the network to create a firewall that prevents the connection from being highjacked by hackers.
Features of a good endpoint security
I know now you are very concerned about how to identify a good endpoint security. Here are some of the features of a good endpoint security that will work best for your business, organization, and institution.
Application whitelisting
Application whitelisting is a feature that allows you to pick which software and applications you would like to run in your system at a specific time. Only whitelisted applications and software are allowed to run through this method. A good endpoint security for your corporate network features this tool that allows only approved applications to run during a connection between a mobile device and a corporate network. Other applications that might contain malware are prevented from running thus protecting your network.
Insider threat protection
An excellent endpoint security for your corporate network must feature insider threat protection. This feature allows the security software to scout your network and the connection between it and a mobile device for any suspicious activities. If the security identifies malicious activity, it will take action against it to protect your system.
Endpoint and email encryption
When deciding what endpoint security to pick, you should make sure that the one you settle on has an endpoint and email encryption. Encryption of endpoints and emails is a more stringent approach to preventing cyber-attackers from taking advantage of the vulnerability window during the time of the network connection to a mobile device. Encryption makes it very tough for hackers to find their way into the network. There are different levels of encryption make sure that the option you pick has the top-level encryption and there is a guarantee of security patches regular to update the encryption.