Online gambling was introduced to the world in 1994 and one of the oldest names in the business is Jackpot City Casino! Quality games, along with a Las Vegas’ lights and glamour theme and aesthetic, Jackpot City truly gives you the refined gambling experience. In addition to the visual element, there’s also a lot of money to be won, not just with the gambling, but also with the bonuses on offer!
If the 50 no deposit free spins at Jackpot City don’t draw you in, maybe the other rewards will. After you’re done with you 50 spins, you can claim a free bonus by registering an account. Once registered, you also get up to $1600 in welcome bonuses alone on your first 4 deposits. The minimum deposit of $10 is also very reasonable and affordable. You can get started on your gambling experience with very little!
The game collection on the website is also very impressive. There’s a wide range to cater to an equally wide range of tastes with more than 400 titles to choose from. These include the traditional slots, roulette, poker, baccarat and, of course, blackjack. There are also a lot of themes to choose from for each of the games you play.
The main game provider is Microgaming and while the exclusivity deprives users of other platform’s games, the immense number of games that Microgaming itself offers doesn’t really let one notice. The advantage of using a sole provider is that there is one platform to implement allowing for smoother operation of the site and the games on it.
There also happens to be a section solely dedicated to live gaming and includes games like roulette, blackjack, poker (both 3-card and Hold ‘Em), and baccarat. Because of the singular platform and smooth operation of the site, as mentioned above, the live gaming experience is very enjoyable and users go through very little lag or interruption. Being such an old and experienced name, Jackpot City also introduced a mobile platform with all content being mobile-optimized, and the amount of work truly shows.
Being such an old name, Jackpot City is also able to boast a long list of payment options allowing for even more comfortable user experience. Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron and Maestro are the main credit card options on the site. In addition, the site also offers users the option of the bank transfer and prepaid cards. You can also use a cheque to withdraw funds from your Jackpot City casino account. In addition to conventional banking methods, you can also sync your Jackpot City account with your e-wallet.
As for customer support, Jackpot City offers two mediums of communication for all troubleshooting and issues, live chat and email. While the lack of phone support is disappointing, support through email and live chat is offered 24 hours a day and the response times are actually impressive. With the professional staff on hand, Jackpot City’s reputation in the market is not surprising.