CBD is all the rage, and for good reason. There are a variety of CBD uses, including relieving pain, reducing anxiety and depression, boosting your heart health, and improving acne.
Medical cannabis can even be used in place of opioids.
With all the many health benefits, CBD users are finding new and innovative ways to take cannabis and improve the quality of their life. One of these ways is CBD-infused drinks. Liquid edibles can help you relax, without the feeling of being high.
They are an ideal way to get your daily dose of CBD while enjoying a delicious drink in the process. If you are thinking about DIY-ing a liquid edible, here are several tips to help get you started.
Start With Quality CBD
If you are wondering how to make CBD tea, the first step is to use quality cannabis. Because CBD is not regulated by the FDA, the product you purchase can vary in quality.
Taking low-quality CBD or something that is not CBD at all is not only a waste of money but can also be dangerous to your health. Do your research and make sure the cannabis you are using is high-quality.
Be Careful With Your Dosage
When making CBD drinks, it may be tempting to use a higher dose than you would normally take. This is a mistake. It’s recommended to start with a low dose, especially if you are a beginner to taking cannabis.
Starting with a lower dose will allow you to see how your body reacts to the CBD, without having any unsettling side-effects. A lower dose will also help you control the flavor of your drink.
Experiment With Oils and Tinctures
CBD oil is made from extracting CBD and adding it to a carrier oil while CBD tincture is made from extracting CBD and seeping it in a mixture of water and alcohol. Both oils and tinctures can be used in your CBD-infused beverages, the only difference is oil will float to the top while the tincture will mix into the liquid.
Whether you use an oil or a tincture is your decision. Try both so you can decide which one works best for you.
Don’t Mix CBD With Alcohol
It’s recommended to avoid mixing CBD and alcohol, especially if you are new to cannabis. When mixed, the effects of both substances intensify. While the result may be an intense calm, it can also lead to unexpected sedation.
Follow a Recipe
There are plenty of ways to use CBD in a drink and trying several of those ways can be fun and exciting. Add flavor to your DIY experience by trying one of several delicious CBD-infused recipes. This is a great way to experiment and discover a few staple drinks.
Use These Tips to Make Delicious CBD-Infused Drinks
Use these tips to make your own delicious CBD-infused drinks.
Start by using quality CBD. Make sure you are careful with your dosage and experiment with the type of CBD you are using. Follow a recipe for more options and make sure to avoid mixing your CBD with alcohol.
By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a calming, CBD-infused drink.
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