Surveys have shown that almost 70% of Americans have dishwashers in their kitchens. For these people, washing dishes and getting them as clean as they can be is simply a matter of turning their dishwashers on with detergent inside of them.
But what about those who don’t have dishwashers? They might have to work a little harder at it. But they, too, can get their dishes completely clean without relying on a dishwasher to do the dirty work.
When you wash your dishes by hand, it’ll force you to pay close attention to how clean you’re getting them. That alone will work wonders when it comes to the cleanliness of your dishes.
You should also make sure you’re using the right techniques to get your dishes 100% clean. Here are some of the ways you can do it when washing your dishes on your own.
Start by Plugging Up Your Kitchen Sink
There are some people who attempt to wash dishes without filling their sinks up with water. If you’re one of these people, you’re not going to be able to get your dishes extra clean when you wash your dishes like this.
Many of your dishes need to be able to soak in hot water for at least a few minutes before you start washing them. This will help you to remove stuck-on food with ease.
To ensure that you’re able to do this, your first step will need to be to plug up your sink with a stopper. Invest in a high-quality stopper that won’t allow your sink to drain at all while you’re washing dishes.
Fill Your Sink Up With Hot Water
Once you’ve put the stopper for your sink in place, the next thing you’ll want to do is fill your sink up with hot water. As far as washing dishes is concerned, the hotter you can get the water, the better.
You should, of course, avoid filling your sink with scalding hot water that is going to burn your hands and cause injuries. But you should try to fill it with water that is as hot as you can stand.
Ideally, you want your sink to be filled about two-thirds of the way to the top with hot water before you begin to wash your dishes. That should give you more than enough water to get your dishes clean.
Add Dishwashing Soap to the Hot Water
Hot water is going to work wonders on stuck-on food when you’re washing your dishes. But you’re not going to be able to get your dishes extra clean without a superior dishwashing soap by your side.
Look for dishwashing soap that has a proven track record with regards to busting through stuck-on food and leaving dishes clean. Find out more about where you can get the best dishwashing soap for washing dishes and add some to the hot water in your sink just before you get started.
Use a Clean Sponge to Wash Glasses and Silverware First
When you’re working your way through a sink full of dishes, it’s always best to begin with the things that are the least dirty first. More often than not, this will include your glasses and other cups in addition to your silverware and other utensils.
Take a clean sponge and rinse it with hot water before using it to clean all of the glasses and silverware in your sink. Use the sponge to wipe down every part of these items and then rinse them off and put them on a drying rack.
By taking this approach to washing dishes, you’ll avoid making the water in your sink too dirty at the start. At the same time, you’ll get your glasses and silverware spotless.
Move On to Washing Plates and Bowls Next
After you’re finished washing your glasses and silverware, you can move on to attacking any plates and bowls that are in the sink.
Often these items will have at least a little stuck-on food on them. You should scrape off as much of it as you can into the trash before getting the remainder of it off with your sponge and soapy water in your sink.
If there are hard-to-remove food particles, don’t be afraid to put your sponge in between your thumb and your forefinger so that you can scrub them away. It might take a little bit of elbow grease to get plates and bowls all the way clean.
Once you’re all done cleaning these items, place them on your drying rack next to your glasses and silverware.
Finish Up by Washing Pots and Pans
The pots and pans that you put into your sink likely have the most stubborn stuck-on food on them. In some cases, it might look as though it’s going to be impossible to remove it. You can do it, though, as long as you’re willing to take the right steps.
For starters, let pots and pans soak in soapy water for as long as you can. This will help you get off the majority of the stuck-on food that’s on them.
Then, take your sponge and go to town on the inside of your pots and pans to loosen up any food that’s still stuck after they soak.
You will want to be careful about how you scrub certain specialty pots and pans. Something like a cast-iron skillet, for example, shouldn’t be exposed to soap.
But generally speaking, you can get most pots and pans clean by spending time soaking and scrubbing them by hand. The key is to use the right sponge and the right soap while putting in the right amount of effort.
Once you’re all done, take your pots and pans and find room for them in or around your dish dryer. Allow for all your clean dishes to dry together before taking them and putting them away later.
Wash Your Dishes and Get Them Cleaner From Now On
You might not love the idea of taking time out of your busy day to wash your dishes. But if you have to do it, make sure you do it right.
Follow the suggestions that we’ve listed here to get your dishes cleaner than ever before. You’ll see them shine in a whole new way once you’re finished.
Read our blog to find more tips and tricks that will help you keep your home clean.