Whether indoor vaping should be legalized or not is still a matter of debate. Even more recently, a representative was voted out for vaping during a committee meeting. The California representative who was popularly known as the vaping congressman was voted out for making the committee member uncomfortable after he vaped not from not one but two vapes.
Comparison Between Traditional Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes
In most countries, it is illegal to smoke traditional cigarettes in indoor spaces. This is quite indisputable due to the effects of conventional cigarettes on the health of smokers and the surrounding people. Traditional tobacco causes cancer among other diseases.
Adult chain smokers are urged to vape as a means of helping them quit smoking. The reason is that vapes have less deadly impacts on one’s health compared to traditional tobacco.
However, that does imply that vaping has no side effect on the users. The vapes contain chemicals, and once someone inhales chemicals, there has to be a reaction. Once someone vapes for the first time, it is automatic that they will cough, a condition popularly referred to as throat hit. However, that will not be the case after vaping the second and the third time as the body will adapt.
Other mild side effects include dizziness, dry nose, dry eyes, irritation leading to itchiness, and mouth dryness. A look at this web-site shows that the vaping side effects are a result of propylene glycol as some people have propylene glycol allergies. The question that always arises is why indoor vaping should be regulated despite having less impact on the users and surrounding people.
Indoor Vaping in the USA, UK, and in Stores
According to WHO, vaping should be prohibited in indoor spaces where traditional smoking is also prohibited. The USA is the leading country with the greatest number of vapers, making it necessary for the government to put laws in place to reduce the exposure of e-cigarette vapers to non-vapers.
Similarly, the UK, which is the second biggest vaping market, has prohibited indoor vaping on the ground of public health concern. Vaping is not permitted in famous stadiums such as Old Trafford and Etihad.
If you are a vaping addict, then you have to be very careful before vaping in stores since not all stores allow vaping. The Indoor Clean Air Act was passed in 2015, and its implementation started in 2016, putting e-cigarettes and traditional cigarettes under the same category.
For some stores, it is illegal to vape e-cigarettes that contain nicotine, while in others, it’s illegal to vape even if it does not contain nicotine and does not produce smoke. Therefore, before removing the e-cigarette from your pocket, make sure that it is legal in the store or you will find yourself on the wrong side of the law.
Impact of Vaping on Indoor Air
Vaping is banned because it has adverse effects on the non-vapers. However, according to research done by a particular university, indoor spaces that allow vaping have clean air similar to the areas that do not allow vaping. This implies that vaping has little to absolutely no impact on the quality of the air. The reason behind this is that once the vapers exhale, the vapor vaporizes as fast as possible.
One fact that is agreed upon by both the proposers and opposers of vaping is that vaping is a better alternative compared to traditional tobacco cigarettes.