Our spending habits vary in many different things. Form our age and gender to our social and economical background. And that’s not it. There are many psychological factors that also contribute to the way we spend our money and what’s more importantly on what.
There is a notion that the majority of males in their late 20s spend their money on electronic gadgets, gambling, alcohol and partying, but those are just some surface expenses men in their 20s make. If you are wondering what is actually worth your hard-earned money this list will hopefully give you an insight into what you should consider spending on your cash.
Traveling with Friends
The late 20s are a somewhat weird period in almost every person’s life. The majority of your friends are either married, have kids, already have a steady job or have moved to a completely different country. And if you don’t have a steady relationship and friends that are close by, these years can get a little bit lonely.
But that’s not a reason for despair because even if your friends are married, have jobs and do all of that boring adult stuff, you can still gather around and have some wicked time. For example – if some of your close friends are soon to be married, you can throw them an unforgettable bachelor party organized by Bucharest Bachelors and travel to a completely foreign country.
This can be beneficial for you and your friends for several very important reasons. First, you’ll be in a faraway country so you won’t be nagged by your girlfriends, wives, bosses, etc. You sign off from every social media, tell to significant other that everything is fine and can then spend a completely mad and drunken night with your buddies.
Why is this important and do you actually have to spend money on this?
Well, we hate to break it to you but opportunities like this will with time become as rare as hen’s teeth. Many of your friends will after marriage probably start having kids and will have many obligations they need to tend to. Which means that they simply won’t have the time to go on crazy bachelor parties in foreign countries or foreign countries for that matter.
So, gather your buddies lay down the plan and start your unforgettable crazy adventure.
High-Quality Attire
When people are in their early 20s, the majority of them are still searching for their authentic self, their identity and at the same time want to fit in with society. There are of course people who are an exception to this rule, but the fact is people in their early 20s are as confused as they were as teenagers just without the raging hormones.
One of the most common ways of showing who you are is by having a particular style. But as soon as you grow out of all of those “unique” and “authentic mom this is who I really am” phases you start to value quality pieces of clothing. Many young men start to realize that quality actually equals style – that’s why you see many young professional men wearing Italian hide bags that will last.
After long years of not giving a fly about any of that “adult” stuff, men in their late 20s actually start to value quality over quantity. They stop buying every Acapulco shirt on sale and start swapping them for something more sustainable.
This can sound kind of scary, but hey, everyone has to grow up sometime, and the secret is you don’t even have to actually become grown-up, you just act like it and sooner than later you’ll realize that that white shirt isn’t that bad after all.
Apart from having an elegant professional and classy briefcase and a nice clean shirt, you should also consider investing in some quality dress shoes, a leather belt ( in matching color with the dress shoes), a leather wallet (you can still have that wallet from Pulp Fiction with bad mother*ucker written on it, just make sure not everyone sees it) and of course a watch.
Nothing speaks more of a dependable young man that is nicely dressed in clothes made from only high-quality material. But as soon as you get home you are free to get into your Batman pajamas–no one will ever know.
A Car
Let’s face it cars are really convenient. Public transportation isn’t really that bad, but there’s just something about owning a car that really makes you feel like a real man. Maybe our brains are influenced by years of consuming badass ads for fancy cars that made us feel like we need to own one. But either way, they are undeniably convenient.
Not only that but you should also consider your future and the future of your family. In case of an emergency, you just start the car and can be on your way to a hospital in a jiffy.
Or in case you want to go on a road trip for the weekend. You can wait for your friends with cars to make time for a road trip, or you can just invest in a car and go when and where you want. It’s as simple as that.
No need to wait on anyone, and when you think about it a car can really bless you with a kind of feeling of freedom but at the same time, a car costs money.
Of course, owning a car can become a somewhat financial burden, but nobody says you have to invest in a brand new Porsche, except if you really want one. Then you’ll need to ride the subway just a bit longer until you can finally drive the car of your dreams.
The late 20s are a perfect time to spend money on things you know will last you for a long time. And those things are not just items, but also experience, things you know that will broaden your horizons. That’s why investing in traveling can be so rewarding. You invest a little money and in return get a life long and a fond memory. The same goes for investing in fine clothes and a good car. You’ll value more the clothes you wear (and will look absolutely fantastic in photos) and a good car can take you anywhere you want (to take good photos).
Remember, now is the time to make lifelong memories.