People are unhappily married all the time because they are not willing to communicate with their partner. There are a lot of people who would like to have a change in their relationship, but they do not know how. There are some communication gaps that you need to be aware of, and you also have to be sure that you have practiced communicating with your partner. The steps below show how you can change your marriage, and that is why you should start talking about this right away.
1. They Do Not Talk
Why are people unhappily married? They do not talk. These couples are never communicating because they do not know what to talk about. These people should start talking about their day, talking about sex, and talking about what bothers them. Most things can be resolved because these people can find common ground. They never talked about these small things before, and that can be troublesome because they are not resolving the little thing.
2. They Never Talk About Sex
All couples should talk about sex outside of the bedroom. They need to talk about sex because it is something that they need to negotiate, learn about, and explore together. People who do not talk about sex tend to have really bad sex, and they are going to hate the sex they have because they have not talked about anything they plan to do. The couples that are not planning are not pleasing each other, and that makes the sex even worse than it already was.
Men are not getting pleased because they probably have something they want to try, and women are not happy because they are likely not feeling any pleasure at all. These two people have to talk about how much they are pleasing each other because that is the only way for them to have much better sex every time they crawl into bed.
3. They Have Career Mismatches
Some people have mismatches in their careers, and that makes it hard for them to have a good time at home. One person might work too much, and the other person might work from home. They are never able to have any time together, and that makes it very hard for the couple to have time to themselves. There could be job envy, and that makes it harder for people to feel comfortable because they are alway fixated on their career. One of the partners might want to go back to school, but they would never ask for that because they are so unhappy.
The people who are in unhappy marriages are usually dealing with a mismatch in communication. These people will feel much better when they start to talk about what is going on in their bedroom, in their house, and how their schedule works. People who are unhappy need to start talking to see if the marriage can be saved, and they should make any changes they think are possible.