If there is one thing that takes time and patience, it is growing your savings to achieve specific goals. That is why you need to start saving immediately, making small steps to shave off expenses until they become big savings. Here are five things you can start saving money on right now.
1. Credit Cards
Putting a spending cap on your income is one way to start saving instantly. However, it can be difficult to do if you have a credit card. Credit cards are the biggest source of debt since they make it easy to overspend. If you want any self-imposed spending limits to work, you might want to put that credit card away for the time being.
Instead, start using cash only. Withdrawal only what you need and use only that. For this to work, you need to make a budget and try to stick to it as much as possible. When you have gotten a grip on your spending, you can bring in your credit card again and use it to save some more.
Yes, a credit card can also help you save if it is a rewards credit card. These credit cards give you a cashback reward every time you spend. You can also sign up for any loyalty programs at the places where you normally use your credit card, such as shops and restaurants, to further increase your savings.
2. Useless Subscriptions
If you search your soul, you will find that you are probably spending a lot on subscriptions you don’t need. You might have a gym, magazine and/or other subscription that decreases your savings but hardly ever use. And with the rise of streaming and how affordable it is, even your cable is something you don’t need.
First, take a look at your bank statement to determine which subscriptions you are being charged for. Then it is just a simple matter of canceling them. If you think you might need one of those subscriptions, try looking for cheaper or free alternatives.
3. Smoking
The average cost for a pack of cigarettes is $7. If you are a smoker who smokes at least one pack a day, you are essentially spending $198 a month. This translates to about $2,352 a year. This is money you could be saving to further your goals rather than smoking it away.
Sure, quitting cigarettes is not easy, but think about how much you will be saving. You can quit cold turkey, but you just have to make sure that you’re adequately prepared for the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. It might take a while to adjust to a life of not smoking, but it is doable, especially if it is for a good cause.
4. Utility Bills
Utility bills are one of the biggest expenses that make saving difficult. If your utility bills are unreasonably high, it might be time to take measures to cut back. The biggest culprit is the energy bill. So start by doing an energy audit to figure out what is raising it.
You can do simple but effective things that can help you bring down that energy bill. For example, you can easily save energy by using energy-saving light bulbs, buying a programmable thermostat and insulating your exterior walls.
5. Putting Your Goal First
When you get paid or come across some extra bit of money, put that into a savings account immediately. You should do this before you start making any plans for the money – make saving a priority. It doesn’t matter how much it is since the key here is to save, whether it is $30 or $100, you need to put it away.
6. Life Insurance
Many people overpay for life insurance by having the wrong product in place. Many agents sell investment products to those who only need pure protection. This type of product is often called whole life insurance and can be much more expensive than pure protection products like GYL and term life. IN fact, according to the InsureChance quote engine, whole life can be as much as 10 times the cost of term life insurance for the same coverage amount.
As you can see, there are plenty of things you can save money on instantly. There is no ultimate saving tip that will immediately put thousands of dollars in your savings account. It takes time and patience, making small steps until they add up to big savings.