As the new year begins, you may have promised yourself that this is the year you are going to build a healthy savings pot. With online shopping, social media adverts, and Instagram influencers all pushing you towards enticing consumer goods, trying to save money can be pretty difficult these days, and if you’ve tried spending bans, deleting shopping apps and everything in between, we’re right there with you.
We’ve done a bit of research into different ways you can save money and have listed them below. Most options mean still getting to buy something to satisfy that need, but buying it within your new, more constricted budget.
Check out our top tips for saving money this year below.
At-home dates, girls’ nights, and family time
If you’ve found that you spend the most money when you meet up with friends and family or going on dates, we’ve got a few ideas for you to have dates, girls’ nights in and family time on a budget.
From home-cooked meals to ordering in, eating at home can be much cheaper than going out. Why not look up a recipe and create a menu to make it feel like you’re actually eating out. Or if it’s cocktails and dancing you’re missing, what about an at-home cocktail making night.
You could put on the latest Netflix release and have a film premiere in your living room and even have an at-home spa night with face masks from your local health shop. Having at-home time together is a great way of socialising on a budget.
Upgrade your tech, but do it cheaply
If your tech is starting to get slow, it may be time to upgrade it. You can do this on budget sites like, where you can buy iPhones at great prices!
Other places to shop cheap tech include the refurbished section of tech shops and online.
Quit the gym and get out to exercise
Though this might not be so tempting in the winter months, getting outside when you exercise can help you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. Try going out for a brisk walk or a long run, buy a second-hand bike and switch up your commute (another great way to save on travel!) or take your yoga mat and practice some outdoor yoga.
Getting outside and exercising there means you’ve no need of your gym anymore! Cancelling your gym membership can help you to save money every month.
Shop thrift
If you’re addicted to fashion, you may find quitting cold-turkey is difficult when it comes to clothes, but fear not – we’ve got a solution.
Shopping thrift shops, second-hand shops, or charity shops is a fantastic way to save money, do your bit for the environment, and still get your fashion fix! Try apps like Depop and Vinted, or head to your local clothes swap to refresh your wardrobe on a budget.
Use coupons and discount stores
Another great way to save money is to utilise coupons. Getting money off can help you to shop on a budget so get collecting where you can.
Discount stores are also a great way to save. Many discount shops offer clothes and home products from last season at discount rates, meaning you can get some really great products for much cheaper!
Get savvy and start a side hustle
And if you’re not only looking for a way to save, but also a way to make money – why not start a side hustle?
Do you have a particular talent or a craft you’re getting really good at? From making handbags and selling pet portraits to making your own preserves or freelancing, the initial UK lockdown was ripe with new Etsy stores and Depop shops as people started their own businesses. Why not try your hand at it too and see if you can earn some cash on the side.