Searching for insulation near me isn’t always an option. Sometimes, it’s just too expensive and you don’t always qualify for the various government grants that are available. In scenarios like these, you need to get creative. Below, are some suggestions for unique ways to lower your energy bill, that don’t involve insulation.
Reduce Electricity Use First
Electricity always costs more than gas. In fact, it can sometimes cost four-times the price per unit. The best place to start to cut down unnecessary electricity use, is by unplugging everything in your home that isn’t in use. Get into the habit of removing the socket from the wall, if the appliance isn’t being used. Even more importantly, if you rely on electricity to heat your home, it’s time to look into changing that method and moving to something more energy efficient.
Choose Low-Flow Taps
Around 15% of a home’s energy bill is used to heat water for showers and taps. Next time you get the bathroom or kitchen remodelled, why not think about opting for a fixture that comes with a built in flow limiter. According to the Energy Saving Trust, a family of four could save up to £195 per year, by simply swapping an inefficient shower head for a more economic option.
Add Rugs to Your Home
Rugs have the capacity to act in the same way as insulation, if you use them properly. If you have a carpeted home, you likely have no need for a rug, but it is strongly recommended that you use them on any laminated or tiled spaces, in order to insulate the flooring and keep some heat in the home. The larger the rug, the more effective it will be at covering the surface and acting as an insulator.
Claim Your Tax Relief
There are so many things you can claim tax relief for, and you probably don’t even know some of them. For example, if you worked from home for even one day during the 21/22 tax period, you can claim working from home tax relief. You can also claim tax relief for any uniform you must purchase to do your job, mileage if you use your own vehicle for work and more! One of the things included in the things you can claim back for, when claiming working from home relief, is your energy bill and any surplus you paid compared to the previous year. The current agreed rates are £6 per week in rebate.
Of course, there are countless other options to consider, if you’re really keen to lower your energy bills and keep your money in the bank. As mentioned earlier in this article, something that is worth considering and researching is government grants and other funding bodies, that specialise in offering money to families and individuals who would not otherwise be able to afford to install an economic hearting measure, that would lower their bills.