Did you know that there are over one billion active Instagram users each month? This is almost one person out of every 8 in the world!
This insane statistic indicates how popular Instagram is, and also how powerful it has become as a channel to reach your audience.
Are you an influencer who acts as an ambassador for different brands? Do you want to get more out of your interactions with companies and each image that you share?
If you do, you may want to know more about the paid partnership feature on Instagram.
What is it and how can you use it? Read on to find out.
What is a Paid Partnership?
As an influencer, you are no doubt concentrating on building your following and building relationships with major brands. You will then place branded items in your images.
When this is done in conjunction with a brand and the influencer tags the brand as a business partner, this is known as Paid Partnership. The tag will sit at the top of the image, and Instagram will recognize it as such and add “Paid partnership with XXX” as a label.
The advantage of this is that the business partner label will act as a link that followers can click to get direct access to the business partner’s products and services.
Influencers such as shake.izea.com are using these marketing techniques more and more to build stronger relationships with brands. It also shortens the distance between consumers and providers.
Why Should You Use It?
Influencers can and should use this feature to enhance images or Instagram stories that they share.
It is not only a simple and effective way of advertising a brand’s products. It should also be used with posts that are not directly featuring a brand’s goods but that the brand is sponsoring.
This will provide greater transparency and allow followers to be aware of the influence of the sponsor. It may also become part of the contract with the brand.
When Not to Use It
While this is a great enhancement, there are times when it would be good to use caution. Social media marketing is a very broad field. It can be very easy for brands to move to new influencers or for a channel such as Instagram to fall out of favor.
For this reason, it would be good for influencers to tag only paid partnerships with brands that they actually have a partnership with. This would include an agreement that is verbal or written.
During the course of making this agreement, the brand will specify their image goals. Tagging them as a paid partnership outside of these conditions would likely not be well received.
How to Get the Best Out of the Paid Partnership Feature and Much More
If you are an influencer or are using Instagram for your social media marketing in 2020, you know that it pays to understand completely the tools that you are working with. The paid partnership features in Instagram is a unique method that allows you to link an influencer directly with your brand, product, or service.
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