With the growth of tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices, more people are using smaller screens to view web pages. This makes responsive web design to be crucial for people with a digital presence. A responsive web design simply refers to a design in which web pages are responsive to the consumer’s environment plus behavior founded on orientation, the size of the screen and platform. It consists of the combination of layouts, images, among others. The primary aim is to create a site that can be viewed on different devices without disrupting the quality or visibility of content despite the device sizes.
Here are some essential rules to follow for responsive web designing.
Screen Resolution
First and foremost, you should understand that these devices have a screen resolution, orientation, and definitions that vary. Also, different daily sizes of the screen are developed. Luckily, these devices are compatible, with differences in color, functionality, and size of web pages. With the advancement of technology now things can be made flexible, i.e. images. Hence, it makes it possible to have a layout that can be switched from a large computer to an iPad or from portrait to landscape orientation. However, it is not just about plugging images in and out and be done. You should consider the final layout. For instance, if an image is resized to be too small, then it may lose its quality, but you should also remember that maintaining the name of the website is crucial. Hence an image can be divided into two in that one part is only cropped and used as the background while the other phase can be resized.
Media Queries
CSS3 supports the screen, handheld, print, device width, color, orientation, and max-width among others. For this reason, CSS3 features can be used in mobile devices, having in mind that these features are not accessible by a computer browser that is not compatible. You can come up with simple layout modifications well-defined to suit both portrait and landscape orientations. Also, the min-width and max-width is used to set either a minimum or maximum width that a particular set of the set would apply and anything above the maximum would not apply to the respective media query. Despite observing these rules, you might consider involving other professionals to ensure that your web page is responsive. However, it is crucial to conduct research before hiring, and you can rely on web design agency reviews online for this. Notably, this will enable you to get assistance from the top companies.
Hiding Content
It is not advisable to make all contents accessible in a large screen to be accessed on a small screen. However, you can apply to have more focused content, more straightforward navigation, rows or lists. This technique not only involves creating a flexible layout but also consists of making it possible for users to pick and choose content.
It is crucial to ensure that that website has the technology to respond automatically to the users’ preferences. Notably, this will ensure that you do not design and develop any phase when there is a new gadget. Also, ensure to maximize the flexibility option to have all your images and content go hand in hand with the devices or be compatible.