Searching someone on the internet is nowadays as simple as calling out the name of the person from the next room. It takes no effort to trace your high school friend or even your best co-worker when you have a dedicated internet-access and some conventional online search skills. With the ever-evolving technology, the internet has been flooding with new sites where people can meet, communicate, exchange numbers & stories and even share photos. To ensure that such pieces of information are not exploited for the wrong reasons, such sites have privacy policies and rules that govern to use of their clients’ personal data.
Social networking sites are one of the places where you can type someone’s name and you’re given options to choose from. It’s more of a universal hub where you get to walk with what you want. Based on the limited facts you know about a person, you can squeeze such data in the search procedure to get more accurate results. Depending on what you want to know about a person, there are several sites offering a variety of information. Whether you’re in for someone’s biography, photos, place of residence, place of work or even their recent news; these sites have got you covered.
If you’ve used Google, you know how accurate and efficient it can be. Google is not only a Search Engine but also a universal database that stores everything from your birthday photos, work schedule, current location, favorite activities to your darkest secrets-provided it has your permission. Google won’t, however, display everything especially the sensitive stuff to a third party. Some of the information you can retrieve from Google could include; the person’s birthplace, position, his/her website, family status, achievements, etc.
Public records
Apart from using Google directly, you can access a free database with public records and execute your search. Such sites are normally ranked using the different State names to enhance accuracy and to facilitate an easy search instead of working on a junk of records. One efficient way of doing this is through an SSN Search, a typical 9-digit that’s as unique as your fingerprint. Public records would normally give you more insights about a person such as contact details, assets, relatives, court documents, marriage and divorces, criminal records, etc.
Facebook is not only the most used social media platform in the world but also one with a lot of personal data and information. People would typically post about their whereabouts, what they’re doing, how they are feeling or even who they’re spending time with. All these data can be accessed from anywhere in the world with little to no challenges. Provided the person has a Facebook account and has no restrictions as to who can view their profile, this is a very effective search tool.
Using cell phone numbers
You might want to know or locate someone using their cell phone numbers without having to call or text them for a number of personal reasons. The process can be a bit challenging since public phone directories don’t offer such information due to privacy concerns. Social engineering might not always work and you can be forced to consider using a reverse number lookup on Google or on social media sites to get what you want.
Nothing comes as efficient as solving a problem from the comfort of your phone. You really don’t need to keep contacting a list of friends just to connect with one person when you can swipe through their online profiles and pick what you need without breaking the law or even spending a penny.
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