Commercial trucks are particularly treacherous on roadways, because of their heavyweight and size. If this massive vehicle crashes with a smaller vehicle, results are destructive. That’s why it’s always recommended to motorists in smaller vehicles to drive safely, specifically around trucks to prevent accidents.
Burlington truck accident law firm is familiar with the disastrous effects truck accidents can have. They can help you to file a case against a truck accident.
Follow these learned tips to avoid a truck accident on the road:
Keep Proper Distance
When you are following a truck, keep a reasonable distance. A huge vehicle restricts your visibility of what’s in front of you including traffic, construction or other dangerous travel conditions. By keeping enough space between your vehicle and truck, you can easily see what is coming ahead, and you can easily make a sudden stop if needed.
Leave Sufficient Space When Passing In Front of a Truck
A truck requires more distance and time to stop due to its massive weight. Do not even think to cross or overtake the truck. If you have less space to pass through the truck, stay in your lane.
Be Vigilant When Truck Is Turning
The truck requires more clearance than a car because a truck driver has comparatively less visibility. If you see the truck is taking a turn, assume it is turning so fast and needs most of the intersection to make a turn.
Stay Calm on Highway
If you notice the truck is trying to overtake you, or coming in front of you let it come. Even if you own the right of way, it’s time to stay calm. Losing temper at this moment can cause fatal consequences.
Pass Swiftly
You can speedily pass a truck when you see there is enough room in front of the truck. You don’t need to wait for so long in the lane behind a truck; it can cause a tire blowout.
Try To Be Predictable
You need to be predictable while driving any vehicle, especially when you are in a huge truck. Use signals wisely when you are on the road, so truck drivers can judge what your next move is. Do not change your lane without giving signals.
Keep Away From Diverted Driving
Highway driving is considered comparatively boring because it is long. But you need to stay focused, don’t get distracted when you are on the road. Plan your trip correctly so you can arrange music, audiobooks, podcasts or whatever you like to listen. Please do not try to use your mobile while driving it can cause a severe accident.
If you get tired while driving, stop the car and take a rest for 15 minutes at least. You must quit drinking when you are driving; it can drag you to death.
Check Weather Forecast
Sometimes storms pop up fast. Bad weather is the main reason for deadly accidents. Before planning a long trip, check the weather forecast. To overcome it, you can download the weather app which can continuously update you if a storm is coming in your way.