What’s in your morning supplement lineup? Minerals, iodine, multi-vitamins, and turmeric? Maybe you’re taking muscle-building supplements like protein and creatine? Regardless of what’s in your morning supplement routine, you’ll benefit from adding in CBD.
Cannabidiol (CBD) makes a great daily supplement
Thousands of people have already discovered the benefits of a daily CBD regimen. Most people take CBD oil as a tincture in their morning smoothie or coffee, but there are products with unique CBD delivery methods.
For example, you can get CBD cigarettes and even suppositories. Smoking CBD delivers the effects much faster than waiting for oil to pass through the digestive system.
If you haven’t added CBD to your morning supplement routine yet, here are five benefits you’ll get from a daily CBD routine.
1. You can avoid some pharmaceuticals
While CBD isn’t a replacement for life-saving medication prescribed by your doctor, it can be a natural alternative to drugs you might be considering testing out for anxiety. For example, if you suffer from anxiety and you’re looking for ways to control it, you might be considering asking your doctor for an experimental prescription.
Before you go down that path, you can try CBD. Many people have reported that CBD relieves both depression and anxiety and makes them feel calm. In one study, participants were administered CBD 90 minutes before a public speaking test. Those given a 300mg dose felt a significant reduction in anxiety.
2. You’ll sleep better
One of the biggest benefits people report from using CBD is its effect on sleep. Insomnia is a terrible thing to experience and sleep deprivation comes right on the heels of insomnia. Everyone experiences sleep deprivation a little differently, but it’s not just a lack of sleep.
Being sleep-deprived means you aren’t getting enough high-quality, deep sleep. For example, some people can sleep for twelve hours a day and still experience sleep deprivation. Those people don’t make it into REM sleep easily, or if they do, their bodies won’t stay in REM sleep. Without a full cycle of deep REM sleep, you won’t wake up rested, and it can feel as if you haven’t slept at all.
3. CBD provides pain relief
The human body is complex; pain isn’t always easy to treat. For some people, the source of their pain is hard to pinpoint. For example, sometimes you might have pain in your side that gets relieved when you get a chiropractic neck adjustment.
For many years, people have been experiencing the pain-relieving benefits of CBD. Instead of immediately resorting to drugs and surgical treatments, many people are getting whole-body pain relief from taking CBD capsules and tinctures.
The human body naturally produces endocannabinoids and has cannabinoid receptors. We are literally built to process CBD through our endocannabinoid receptor system. This is supported by studies that found success using CBD to reduce pain from a surgical incision, inflammation, and neuropathic pain.
The fastest way to get pain relief is to smoke CBD, but if you’re not into smoking, you can use a salve, cream, or lotion. There are also CBD patches that will deliver a small, continuous dose of CBD over a long period of time.
4. CBD can alleviate cancer treatment side effects
The side effects of cancer treatment aren’t pleasant. While many cancer patients use THC to treat nausea and stimulate their appetite, CBD can also help. This is great news for people who don’t like the psychoactive properties of THC.
While most studies show that a 1:1 ratio of CBD and THC provides the best treatment for chemotherapy-related side effects, many people report relief from CBD alone. If you’re averse to trying THC, it wouldn’t hurt to try CBD first. However, when CBD is combined with THC, the psychoactive properties of THC tend to be dampened.
5. CBD contains plenty of nutrition
Getting nutrition is perhaps the most surprising benefit of adding CBD to your morning supplement routine. Hemp contains all 20 amino acids, making hemp a source of complete protein. When you derive your CBD from full-spectrum hemp oil, you’ll get that nutrition.
In addition to being a complete protein, hemp-derived CBD contains B-complex vitamins like thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, B6, and B12. If you’re vegan, adding CBD to your morning supplement routine will help you get these important vitamins as well as iron, vitamin C, vitamin E, and flavonoids.
CBD is a powerhouse for delivering daily support to the body
Whether you’re looking for pain relief, relaxation, or nutrition, adding CBD to your morning routine is a great way to support your body. You’ll get better sleep, you’ll feel better, and you’ll get nutrition all at the same time.