Eczema also sometimes known as atopic dermatitis is a condition in which your skin gets inflamed, cracks, red along with itching. It usually occurs due to an allergic response to any food or due to environmental triggers. Eczema is a non-contagious condition. You would not get it by sitting near to someone having it.
The most common cause of eczema is dry, flaky skin. If you suffer from dry and itchy skin, you must consult with a top dermatologist in Karachi. So that you can get an insight into which things you have to avoid and which products you must use to keep your skin healthy.
Mostly, people use the word eczema for atopic dermatitis. Atopic refers to the conditions that occur due to overactive immune response like asthma, hay-fever and atopic dermatitis. While dermatitis means inflammation of the skin. In this article, we are going to discuss the management of eczema.
One of the best techniques to prevent eczema is to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. Do not let it dry. Take a bath daily or have a shower with warm water. Then apply moisturizer within three minutes of coming out. To minimize the symptoms of eczema, you can also add a little oatmeal or vinegar to your bathwater.
Moisturize daily
Eczema results usually due to over-drying of your skin. Therefore, you must moisturize your skin daily to avoid its exacerbation. When you suffer from eczema, your skin becomes damaged and sensitive to allergens, irritants, bacteria and viruses. Proper moisturizing helps in protecting the outermost layer of your skin. It also prevents the entry of bacteria and viruses that can lead to infections. You must moisturize your skin at least three times a day if you suffer from eczema. Also, use a moisturizer that is not harsh to your skin. Avoid using the one with fragrances.
Use prescribed topicals
Do not forget to apply topicals prescribed by your healthcare provider. There are drugs like corticosteroids, PDE4 inhibitors and calcineurin inhibitors that are applied topically to prevent and treat eczema. These drugs help in reducing the symptoms of this condition. They reduce inflammation, reduce itching and reduce redness of your skin. These symptoms usually occur when you have an overactive immune system. Therefore, topical corticosteroids are immunosuppressants that help in controlling the symptoms of eczema. In some cases, steroids injections or shots are given to the patient when it is severe. Gently rub those medications on your skin, do not over scratch it during itching.
The ultraviolet rays are found useful in the treatment of many skin conditions, including eczema. A special machine is used that emits ultraviolet B (UV B) light to reduce inflammation. It also helps in increasing the vitamin D production in the body and fights against bacteria as well.
A final word
You must consult with the best dermatologist in islamabad if you are suffering from eczema. Do not treat it by yourself as it needs a piece of expert advice Also, do not over scratch your skin as it can damage your skin, eventually leading to bleeding and infections. Moreover, follow the skincare routine daily prescribed by your doctor.
You can also use natural products like ice to cool down your itch and to reduce inflammation. Also, you can use sunflower oil, coconut oil to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. You can add apple cider vinegar to your bath water as it lowers the chances of fungal and bacterial infections.