Most discussions about electronic cigarettes and related products are largely focused on the nicotine content. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that carries considerable health risks. Most people switching from smoking to vaping are often faced with the difficult task of choosing the right nicotine strength. 0 mg is a particularly popular option especially with people seeking to cut down on their nicotine consumption. Despite being nicotine free, these e-juices like cosmic fog vapors have got their own set of health effects.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Most vapers that use the 0 mg nicotine are smokers that are trying to quit. These users often make the switch in a bid to entirely stop their consumption of nicotine. Although the 0 mg nicotine works the trick, there are usually a couple of complications that they face afterwards. For an addicted smoker, suddenly cutting out nicotine is not advisable as it might result in a number of negative health consequences. It is advisable that they gradually cut down on their consumption of nicotine until a time that they can comfortably survive without nicotine in their system.
When making the switch, it is advisable that one uses 24mg/ml or 18mg/ml. You can then drop the concentration by 6mg after a few months until you hot the zero mark. Jumping straight to 0mg nicotine can result in suffering nicotine withdrawal which is counter-productive. This makes 0mg nicotine bad for users with nicotine addiction.
Chemical Content
Whether with or without nicotine, e-juices are made of chemicals, some of which are harmful to human health. Some of these chemicals are very toxic, especially in high concentrations. The chemical composition for e-juices with nicotine and those without nicotine are similar, save for the nicotine component. With the reduction in the amount of nicotine contained in an e-juice, there might be a consequent rise in the volume of the other chemicals. Also, when there is no nicotine in an e-juice, the vaper tends to consume relatively larger amounts of the liquid in a process that is known as self-titration. With the increased consumption of e-juice, a corresponding increase in the amount of chemicals consumed is achieved.
Research conducted on the chemicals used in the flavored vape juices indicate that they are responsible for a number of respiratory diseases. Diacetyl is an example of chemical used in flavored e-juices to induce a buttery taste. When consumed directly, the substance is harmless. However, when heated and inhaled, it breaks down into substances that cause serious health problems. The substance has been proven to be responsible for bronchiolitis obliterans, a respiratory condition that is commonly referred to as popcorn lung.
Chemical preservatives are used in the e-liquids to preserve the natural taste of the flavors. These preservatives raise the toxicity levels of the e-liquids making them bad for your health. As stated earlier, users consume more nicotine free vape than they do vape with nicotine. The increased exposure to these substances can take a toll on someone’s health. Both nicotine free and nicotine rich e-liquids are harmful for the health. To avoid suffering any complications, it helps to greatly reduce your vaping or avoid it completely.
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