Orthopedic is anything concerned with joints, ligaments and, muscles. There are different kinds of orthopaedic disorders. The list includes injuries, ailments and diseases that cause torn cartilages, foot pain, fibromyalgia and knee problems. In the worst cases, people need to get surgery for hip or knee replacements. Important to mention, that most of these surgeries are preventable.
There is a common misconception that only older people are prone to injury and weakness. Nowadays a lot of young people are susceptible to orthopaedic issues due to their lifestyle or hereditary. According to the study published by Pillars of Wellness, 46 million Americans have rheumatic conditions and arthritis in 2019. By the end of the next year, doctors predict the number will reach almost 60 million.
Learn more to avoid orthopaedic issues :
Arthritis is considered one of the most common diseases in the United States. People who experience some type of arthritis have limited movements, pain in connective tissues and swelling. The problem is that doctors still don’t know what can cause this condition. Such factors as age and gender might play the role. From another hand, there is something you can do to reduce the risk of developing painful joints with age. For example, you should eat a lot of fish since they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It means it can help reduce inflammation in your body.
If you don’t want to feel horrible pain of arthritis as you get older, exercise regularly and control your weight. Going to the gym at least on the weekends can help you strengthen and stabilise your joints and muscles. You can also take long walks in the evening or go to the swimming pool a few times per week. Controlling your weight is crucial since it has a direct impact on your knees. People who have problems with obesity are more likely to get knee osteoarthritis.
Another important thing is to avoid injury. To do so, use safety equipment especially while playing sports. If you feel the first symptoms of arthritis, make an appointment with your doctor or rheumatologist the same day. It is not something you can ignore since it is a progressive disease that can impact your mobility. Lifestyle interventions and proper treatment can help prevent surgery.
Osteoarthritis (OA) affects the joints in the body, it usually occurs among older people. The symptoms are the same as for arthritis: swelling, limited mobility and pain. At this point, 27 million people in the United States are affected by OA. In some cases, it is an inherited disease. Also, menopausal and postmenopausal women are more likely to have it since their bodies stop producing estrogen that helps bones grow.
Some lifestyle changes can help prevent OA. For example, you can manage occupational risks such as twisting, kneeling and lifting. Sport and a healthy diet remain essential for reducing weight and improving symptoms. It can also prevent diabetes that is a risk factor for developing osteoarthritis, according to the Arthritis Foundation. In addition to this, control your blood sugar and get enough sleep.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a disease that can cause inflammation of the joints, and it is considered autoimmune. There is no information on the causes of RA. The researchers tell that it can be the combination of unhealthy lifestyle choices, heredity and environmental factors. It is also known that women are more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than men.
The latest study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) proved that you could reduce the RA risk in case you quit smoking. Another important thing is to avoid silica and asbestos and other environmental irritants. You need safety gear if you work with hazardous chemicals.
It is crucial to see your doctor or rheumatologist the same day you have any symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. CDC reported that proper early treatment could delay some side effects.
Low back pain
Low back pain is considered an orthopaedic condition. The statistics show that it affects 10% of the world population. It can be caused by exposure to vibrations, strenuous activities and improper use. Chronic low back pain can be the result of injuries or traumas. According to the research, inactive people and smokers are more likely to have this condition. If you have back pain, try not to stay long in bed or do stretching since it will make it even worse. Also, avoid lifting heavy weight and jogging. You can do gentle yog
a instead. Doing exercises for your back is necessary if you want to prevent pain. Let’s not forget that obese people are more likely to experience persistent pain, so control your weight.
Important to mention about correcting your posture. The thing is that the wrong position can place unnecessary pressure on your back and cause pain in degenerated discs. If you work at the desk, try to get up and walk at least once per hour. You can set up an alarm as a reminder or use a stand-up desk.
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