Piles are also commonly known as hemorrhoids and these are swollen muscles and veins found in and around one’s anus. While a few people may be lucky enough not to experience the symptoms of this ailment others can end up experiencing quite a lot of discomfort. But, don’t fret. There are very many different treatment techniques that can offer you relief as well as many more ways you can ensure they don’t come back. Symptoms can include having mucus discharges or bleeding after stool has been passed and having lumps hang on the outside of your anus. Anyway, let’s take a look at how you can rid yourself of this ailment.
1. Hemorrhoid Removal
A hemorrhoidectomy, as it’s officially known, is a procedure where the surgeon expels the excess tissues that are causing the bleeding. Doing this piles treatment in chennai guarantees exceptional medical care with some of the most experienced doctors and medical staff tasked to look after you. Anyway, the surgery can be done with the help of local anesthetics combined with a general anesthetic, a spinal anesthetic or sedation. This procedure happens to be the complete and most effective way of getting rid of piles once and for all. It’s also among one of the most expensive as well.
2. Medications
If your piles are only giving you some slight discomfort, your physician may decide to just prescribe you with some over-the-counter ointments, creams, pads and suppositories. They may not deem your case that severe for any of the more serious treatments. These over the counter solutions usually contain ingredients the likes of hydrocortisone, lidocaine and/or witch hazel. All these components are known to help relieve both itching and pain temporarily. Concerning over-the-counter steroid creams, don’t use them for more than seven days unless your doctor has told you to do so because they can cause thinning of the skin.
3. Rubber Band Ligation
In this procedure, the doctor goes on to place about two (or even maybe just one) small rubber bands around the internal hemorrhoids base to cut off the circulation it has. Once this has been done then the hemorrhoid will begin to wither and eventually fall off in the span of a week or so. This procedure usually proves effective for very many people all across the globe. Yes, it can cause bleeding and can be very uncomfortable, however, the good thing is that it’s rarely severe.
4. Coagulation (Bipolar, Laser or Infrared)
Coagulation methods either use infrared light, lasers or heat. They cause internal hemorrhoids that are bleeding and small to harden, shrivel and then wither away. While this procedure can cause some bit of discomfort as well and has a few side effects of its own, too, it still happens to be one of the most effective ways of getting rid of piles
Not all piles are painful and sometimes some people aren’t even aware they have them. However, the occurrence of some of their symptoms is what might end up causing you a bit of discomfort here and there. All in all, it’s not something that should give you sleepless nights. It’s totally treatable. Hopefully, this article has been exactly what you needed.
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