Alcohol addiction does not discriminate and can impact the lives of individuals, and their friends or family members as a result of their illness. It is possible for people to recover from their addiction with the help of an alcohol addiction program. Drinking socially or for various occasions is common, but it pays to see the signs of developing or present alcohol addiction.
Treating alcohol addiction can help those who are afflicted to regain control over their lives, rekindle damaged relationships, and practice healthier habits for their physical and financial benefit. Too often, alcohol can become a form of self-medication to treat a myriad of emotional, physical, or mental problems. With patience, effort, and the right form of support, people can be free with alcohol treatment.
How Does Alcohol Impact Your Body
Having a drink or two may make someone feel “buzzed” or relaxed, but excessive drinking can display itself with physical tell-tale signs. When you drink heavily, your body will let you know that it has developed a dependency via withdrawal symptoms.
People who are in need of an alcoholic beverage may display some of the following behaviours.
- headaches and fatigue
- irritability and loss of appetite
- feeling shaky or trembling
- insomnia and depression
- nausea, vomiting, or sweating
Depending on one’s tolerance to alcohol and intensity of dependency, it may take some time for symptoms of addiction to manifest themselves.
Other signs of alcohol dependency include, but are not limited to: feeling like your drinking habits are out of control, passing up activities or responsibilities to drink, drinking is leading to legal problems.
Alcohol addiction can lead to people experiencing an increase in short-term memory loss, blacking out, suffering from mood swings, or even changing one’s appearance. If you are someone you know is exhibiting signs or symptoms of alcohol addiction, there is help available.
Seeking Treatment Options
The first step to independence from drinking addiction is to get an assessment. It is essential to be completely honest when answering an intake questionnaire from a medical professional to aide with making a clearer diagnosis. Someone who is considering entering a treatment plan may encounter four CAGE screening questions or questions from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Example questions may investigate whether someone feels guilty or anxious about their drinking habits if they need to drink first thing in the morning, or the frequency of which they experience withdrawal symptoms. There are no right or wrong answers. Depending on the severity of one’s addiction, the best treatment plan can be formulated to help get back on track.
A Note On Youth Drinking
Adults are not the only ones who are subject to developing an alcohol dependency. Young people, especially teens are particularly vulnerable too. Young people may drink underage to feel accepted, fit in, or out of a desire to experiment. Because young people under the age of 21 are still developing, drinking at an early age can lead to untold damage or alterations mentally, physically, and emotionally.
The frontal part of the brain is extremely susceptible to alcohol consumption, and it may difficult for underage drinkers to function or plan appropriately.
Treatment And Care For Addiction
People who live with alcohol use disorders are not alone. According to reports via the Alcohol Rehab Guide, in 2014, around 16.3 million people in the United States had a problem with alcohol. Around 8.9 per cent of people affected with alcohol use disorder sought treatment.
Anyone living with alcohol addiction may feel confident to go things alone, but it is recommended to seek out treatment services at a professional health centre. At a rehab centre, persons seeking treatment for alcohol addiction can get help with withdrawal symptoms, learn healthy coping mechanisms, and find acceptable ways to break free of their addiction. Additionally, at a rehab centre, patients can connect to counsellors and support groups to help prevent future relapse.
When undergoing treatment for alcohol addiction, it is essential to follow all of the steps given to make a solid recovery. It may feel as if you are ready to leave early on in a program, but it is recommended that a patient give themselves more than enough time to make themselves anew. The desire to self-medicate or self-harm may arise, and only at a professional rehab centre can issues be promptly treated.
Taking the first steps to recover from alcohol addiction can seem daunting, but help is available. If you or someone you know could use someone to talk to about seeking help, or being heard, they are encouraged to call the national helpline for anyone living with substance abuse. Professionals are available 24/7, 365 days a year to be of service to those in need. Sobriety is possible.
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